Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The new house, more pictures...

Here are some new pictures of the house we hope to move into soon...we saw it again on Saturday. I don't know if we'll get it or not, but we should have an answer soon.

This is the front entrance foyer area. The red wall by the stairs will become coral, with beige and seashell accents, because I love the beach.

Me, and Pete's son Nate, looking at the HIDEOUS wallpaper that will have to be removed from one of the upstairs bedrooms. This will become our office area.

Here is the living room, with gas fireplace. The homeowner is standing there with me,  as I'm looking to see where all my furniture will go. There are two doors in the living room, on either side of the fireplace, that lead to an outdoor porch area with carpet, it's like an outdoor room really. That is the front of the house. A wrap around deck is adjacent to it, going around the entire house. 

Here's another shot of the living room. The homeowner, behind me, is walking into the dining room. You can see the foyer and stairs on the right.  It's an L-shaped living room space. We'll have to be creative to get all our furniture to work in there, but I think we can do it.

This is the guest bedroom area, with a small window that looks into the living room.  These homeowners seem to love the color red. This wall will become a light blue and the room will have a beach theme too.  Nate wants to make this HIS bedroom, so that might happen temporarily.  This room has several windows and a half bath.

Here's the view from inside the guest room, you can see the private bath on the left, and the doorway leads out to the dining room, which is then adjacent to the kitchen area. 

So there's more of the house for you to see.

Wow, Pittsburgh sure is a crazy place to live.  I totally do NOT fit in here.  I mean, this place goes absolutely bonkers whenever a "big game" is happening, and yesterday was no different.  We watched the playoff football game on t.v., between the Steelers and the Ravens.  I lost interest of course, because sports really doesn't do a thing for me.  I like watching basketball, and I enjoy going to baseball games sometimes, but football? Nah.  I sat there, stunned, watching all the crazed Pittsburgh people in the stands, with their black and gold faces, wondering how many of them were stone-drunk, and watching them wave those silly "terrible towels," (I don't get that either), wondering how many of them will wake up with carpal tunnel syndrome in the morning.

Is it REALLY necessary, to honk your horns and whoop it up for TWO SOLID HOURS after the game ends, though?  I mean, adults like ME are trying to SLEEP at midnight, ya know.  I told Pete this morning, I was going to get some pots and pans, and go walk around the neighborhood screaming my head off, to pay BACK all of those inconsiderate, late sleeping, jerkfaced, hungover idiot football fans for all the crap they caused ME while trying to fall asleep. (My dog had to bark at every noise last night, not to mention the fireworks). Yeah, what a great place to live.  It's so NOISY here, I can't stand it. I need QUIET.  If it weren't for sports, this entire city would not even be a blip on the map.  It's all these people GOT, and that makes me feel sad for them.   

I mean, they actually made me feel BAD when I said I don't have a Steelers jersey to wear on Fridays to the office where I work---(which is apparently an unspoken rule)....and when I said that, you could hear an audible GASP and looks of horror from the other women there---so I wore Pete's damned jersey on Friday last week, with some guy's long-ass name on the back, "Roethelessburger" or something, and apparently that's the quarterback....like I care...but this dude in the office walks by me and smiles, saying, "Hiya BEN, how ya doin' BEN..." and I'm looking at him blankly, like, "who the hell is BEN?" because I really had no idea that was the QB's first name.  I really just don't care.  The office idiots still know that I'm not one of "them."

Anyway, in other news....we saw the house again on Saturday, with Pete's kids. We even baked cookies to bribe the homeowners into saying "Yes, you can move in right away," but that has not been spoken yet.  In fact, Pete sent them our offer of renting the place for a year, rather than freak them out by the whole "rent-to-own" idea that we brought up before.  Our ideas have been "taken under consideration, and will be discussed."  I'm like, "COME ON ALREADY, WE WANT TO LIVE THERE, WE HAVE MONEY TO HAND YOU RIGHT NOW, JUST SAY YES DAMMIT!!"  ....yeah, I know, I have no patience.  But I'm 40 years old ya know.  I have never had a home of my own, in my whole life.  I want this house, and I want it NOW.

Here are some pictures of the place, to give you a better idea of what it's like.  I've been studying these pictures to figure out where I'm putting furniture and which colors I'm going to paint...I love interior decorating....but until they say yes, we're pretty much on hold.  But our current landlord is showing our current place to some new person later today---he doesn't waste much time---we have only just started packing.  I thought I should probably clean the house a bit, but part of me thinks, "why do HIM any favors."  Our current landlord is a jerk. So instead, I'm going to be a lazy sloth and watch some Turner Classic Movies, because it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and so my office is closed, and Sidney Poitier is one of my FAVORITE actors of all time....I love Patch of Blue like you wouldn't believe.  What an awesome movie.

Well, so that's the scoop in our world of poop. I didn't fit in when I lived in DC either, they're all bunch of snobby stuck-up elitist back-stabbing jerks who lie to each other and act like their shit don't stink, but I'm here to tell ya, that place is built on a SWAMP, so when they cram 2.5 million people into the National Mall tomorrow, don't be surprised if the whole place SINKS. 

You couldn't PAY ME enough to be downtown in DC this week, no friggin' WAY....I mean, hey, I worked at the Holocaust Museum with over 5,000 people breathing in my face all day long asking for the bathrooms and asking stupid questions about Hitler all day long (my favorite is "where do they keep the lampshades made of human skin?"  My answer, "They put 'em up for auction on ebay, sorry." --STUPID PEOPLE ANNOY ME).  My point is, I can deal with crowds, I was trained in security, I can evacuate an entire building if I have to---and I can even deal with being called a Nazi every day of the week, and I was....ohhhhh yes, I could tell you some stories about working in that place that would curl your toes....but, they plan on having over 2 MILLION people on the National Mall tomorrow for this inauguration, and that's just plain CRAZY if you ask me.  Talk about a clusterf@#$k.  Nope, I'm just glad I'm not there this week.

Instead, I've become some kind of "housewife" person that I've never aspired to be....it's surreal.  I look around this place, thinking, "I should really dust." But I can't bring myself to do it because that would mean I'm actually becoming a "housewife," and I loathe that idea.  I mean would I still be SINGLE AT 40, if I LIKED the idea??  I think not.  I wanted to change the world. I wanted to go to DC, walk in the place, and say, "This place wreaks of filth and corruption, I'm gonna clean this mess up, and you can all bite me in the butt if you don't like it." But, like most every other 20-something who tries to change the world, I got chewed up and spit out. 

So now I live in the 'burgh, gazing at the wild wonder of the insane sports fans that surround me, wondering how the HELL I ended up here, rambling on and on on a blog that not many people read, and I talk to my dog about important things that I have no one else to talk to about.  It's really quite weird, my life. 

But I digress. Here are some photos of the house. If they say no, I guess we'll just have to move to some old house high on a hill with no yard, noisy neighbors everywhere, and no dishwasher, which seems to be Pittsburgh's typical style of house.  That's why THIS house appeals to me in such a huge way, it's AWAY from everybody, it's QUIET, and I love that there's a dog park nearby too, that I can walk to....I miss taking Sassy for long walks. Can't do that here.   I hope they will say yes to us, so we can get busy and get on with life.  I feel like I am "on hold."

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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