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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

As a special Valentines' Day surprise for Pete, I had a friend of mine in DC take some sexy photos of me in lingerie.  Here is one of them....I think they turned out pretty well, overall.  Pete loved 'em! (I couldn't wait until Saturday to give them to him).  

He got me a brand new ipod nano! I'm LOVIN' IT!!  My old one died, unfortunately so I had no tunes to exercise to when we go to the gym. He even had it engraved for me too, how cool is that?!!

Ya know, I really love that big lug-o-mine.  He spoils me!!

Pete will hopefully know sometime tomorrow if he's being sent to work in San Francisco or not. Keep your fingers crossed for him, because even if I cannot go, I think it'll be a great opportunity for him.  We also have the lease to the house in our hands right now, and we have a few things to work out with the homeowner first, but depending on the decision for San Francisco, we may or may not sign it.  I will keep you all posted. 

By the way, I sent a Valentines package to all the kids in Michigan, (my nephews & Laurie's kids) and to my mom, sisters and best friend Laurie too. You should be receiving them on Saturday.  Enjoy!!

Tonight, Pete took me to Heinz Hall to see the National Symphony Orchestra, with Marvin Hamlisch as the conductor.  We've seen him several times so far, and every time we go see him, we love him even more. This time, he allowed us to stay and have a Q&A session with him and a few of the singers that performed the songs of Jerome Kern, including some of the songs from Showboat.  Those of you who know Showboat, already know how awesome it is. 

Those of you who don't know it, you should definitely go rent the DVD sometime, because it was first seen in 1927 and changed the entire landscape of Broadway plays from that point onward.  Before that point, it was always the same old plot line, of "boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy eventually gets girl," but this particular play actually tackled some of the more serious issues of the day, such as tolerance, diversity, racism, prejudice, etc......and this play proved that you CAN and SHOULD expose audiences to things that make them THINK, rather than to just entertain them. 

And who doesn't LOVE the song "Ole Man River?!" I mean COME ON!!  My favorite line in that song is "I'm too tired of livin' and too scared of dyin'."   Showboat is a major turning point in all things theatrical, so it was a very awesome night and I loved hearing Marvin talk about stuff he's done---he said he wishes people would bring their younger kids, because in 20 years from now, they won't have any appreciation for this stuff, and he said his wife tells him all the time that "the only culture America has is in a cup of yogurt." HA!!   He also said that when he talked with Barbara Streisand, he said that if you have a great song, but only an okay singer, it's like putting gold around a diamond...and sure, ok, that might look alright, but HE would prefer to put DIAMONDS around a diamond, and if the song is awesome but the SINGER is only mediocre, "it tarnishes the whole jewel."  I thought of Mariah Carey trying to sing "Open Arms" and snickered to myself at how true that statement is. 

He's recently been given an award for Broadway Hall of Fame too, in addition to all his Oscars, Grammys, and Pulitzer Prize, etc. that he's worked so hard to earn all his life.  He's really an incredibly cool guy, I really like him.  I wish we could have had photos taken with him, but there was no real way to do that this time.  Maybe next time, who knows!! 

Anyway, tomorrow Pete's taking me to see the play "I Do, I Do," and then we're going out Saturday night to a nice dinner and dancing at our favorite hangout, with our friend Lisa. Should be a fun weekend!!  Hope you all enjoy your Valentines Day too!

Love, Becky & Pete

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