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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Neal Schon, Jonathan Cain & Me

I don't know if I ever showed this photo to Noah, but since he's all into Journey now, I figured I'd post this for him to take a look at sometime.  I was backstage at a Journey concert, and this was when the lead singer was Steve Augeri, I think in 1995 maybe, I don't remember the exact date. 

Neal had just gotten married to some 19 year old chick at the time, and so when he invited me and a group of other female fans back to his hotel room "for some pizza," I politely told him he could keep his pepperoni, and declined the invitation. Ahem. Keep the guitar in your hand Neal, otherwise you seem to be quite a jerk. My theory is he has to keep Journey going so he can pay back all the alimony to his 80+ ex-wives...(I lost count)...so the poor schmuck can never retire!! hehehehehehe

Jonathan seemed rather...well, rather full of himself to be honest. But otherwise, he was nice enough, just not very personable. He was kinda, snobbish, I guess you'd say.  He's great on the keyboards but otherwise, not such a fun person to hang out with.  Kinda stand-offish. Maybe that's just shyness, I don't know, but after all these years of doing what he's been doing, you'd think he'd get over that.  Well, those are my impressions of these guys anyway. 

Of course, back then, I had some nice long hair goin' on....but alas, those days of big sexy hair are all but gone in my life. Now I'm stuck with baby fine, straight hair that doesn't do much of anything except lay there limp, lookin' like crap most of the time.  Getting old really sucks.

I'll try to find some more pictures to add, since I have a huge scrapbook that includes pictures of me with Moyes Lucas, Lincoln Brewster, and the other members of Steve Perry's "For The Love of Strange Medicine" touring band.  Moyes loved me, he said, because "I was very cool." HA!!! I'm such a mild-mannered FRUMP it's not even funny, but ok, if he says I'm "cool," then I'm gonna take that as a compliment!! hehehehehe  He even saved me tickets & backstage passes, what a nice guy!!  

So there ya go Noah, all for you, some of my Journey experiences with the band....I'm glad you love 'em kiddo. One of these days I'll take you to one of their concerts myself, and we'll ROCK!!

Bye for now. Love, Aunt Becky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mean spirited, rude...I could go on. So they are nice enough to take a pic with you and you feel you are an expert on their lives and motivations? What a jerk.