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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

HA!! Journey on FAMILY GUY!!


Click on the link to watch JOURNEY'S "Don't Stop Believin'" being performed on FAMILY GUY!! 

It's a friggin' RIOT...I laughed my head off!!

Just wanted to share that with ya'll. Thought you'd get a chuckle or two!

The new job is going along pretty well so far, I got a tour of the t.v. station with the news studio and the radio studio and all that fun stuff first thing this morning, and the work isn't very hard either, so it should be a pretty good gig.

Anyway, we're spending the weekend unpacking more stuff, it just never ends. The garage is half full of stuff we haven't even touched yet...egad.  We're having a HUGE yard sale soon too, in order to get rid of some junk.

I want to take Pete to DC to see the cherry blossoms in a week or two, but he's not very enthused about it. I mean, not many guys get off lookin' at "pink snow," with cherry blossom petals falling all around you....but it's so PRETTY I can't even tell ya...I love it.  Makes me feel that spring is finally here when I'm surrounded by pink trees!! YAY!!  But, he's a guy, and so we probably won't go, the poop.

Anyway, I don't even want to discuss the upcoming HORROR and TRAGIC day of my birth that is coming soon...I cringe just thinking about it.  So I've decided I'm going backwards from now on, and this will be my 39th birthday!! YAY!!  So send me birthday cards that say 39 on 'em, will ya? Come on, just humor me dammit, I don't like getting OLD. 

Tonight Pete took me to the Cheesecake Factory, and OH MY GAWD I laughed so hard I was cryin' and my side hurt, because we ordered the Splenda cheesecake with strawberries, and they brought us THREE sliced strawberries, (Gee, could they SPARE IT, with the price of food at that place, you'd think we'd get a BUSHEL of 'em), and Pete went to spear one with his fork, and the damned thing flew in the air like it was in slow motion, and fell right onto the floor---I was going to yell "TEN SECOND RULE!" and reach over to stab it with my fork, but I was laughing too hard when Pete beat me to it and said, "Yeah, we're too FAT to bend over and actually get the damned thing."  It was friggin' hilarious because we had just asked the waitress to bring us 8 more scoops of the Splenda cool whip that came on it---I mean COME ON!! They only put ONE DOLLOP of that yummy crap on the damned thing---can you BELIEVE THAT?! What a ripoff!!  We had told her that we were both diabetic, and needed Splenda cheesecake because we're trying to lose weight, but we had ordered this huge appetizer thing that says "Will feed 4 people" on it, and I told her when she came with the check that it was false advertising. hehehehehehehe  We laughed our heads off the whole time we were there, messing with the waitress about how fat we are....it was actually quite funny, but I guess ya hadda be there.

Well, that's the news for now. Tune in next week when I collapse into a diabetic coma...I'm already having to wear my stupid glasses all the time now, because everything is going blurry on me without 'em....ahhh yes, growing old is such fun.

Love, Becky

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