Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ellis Hall


You may or may not know who Ellis Hall is, but this past week, Pete took me to see him perform. He is the protege of Ray Charles, and let me tell you, he NAILS every song by Ray Charles, it was almost spooky, because if you didn't know any better, you would SWEAR that really WAS Ray Charles playing. He performed with the Pittsburgh Pops Symphony Orchestra, led by my favorite band conductor of all time, Mr. Marvin Hamlisch, and I love that guy because he makes the music fun. In fact, at one point towards the end of the concert, when Ellis was playing "What'd I say," there was an older lady in her 80's who started running down the aisle clapping her hands high in the air, dancing and laughing, so they encouraged her to go onstage, and she danced and had herself a total blast!! It was hilarious!! Marvin just rolled with it, and interviewed her afterwards!! He's really cool.

Anyway, Ellis Hall is amazing, so if you ever get a chance to go see him in concert, I highly recommend it.

My friend Lisa also took me to see SWING, a Broadway review of big band music from the 1930's and 1940's, with people dancing all over the place and throwing each other around through the air, it was amazing!! I loved it. That's my kinda music right there! i enjoy swing dancing too, but I'm not very good at it. This review made me WANT to go dancing though!!

Well, so those are a couple of fun things we've done during the past couple of weeks. We also went to an outdoor concert in a park near Pete's office the other night, for radio station WYEP, which plays a lot of new music and alternative stuff that nobody else plays. It was very nice.

Next weekend Pete's daughter, Sybil, and her husband Justin, and their friend Andrew will be coming down from Rochester NY to spend the 4th of July with us. We might go see a museum or possibly go to Kennywood amusement park, and of course, we'll go downtown to see the fireworks too. Pete is also planning to take us to see the Van Warp's Tour concert on the 5th. That should be pretty cool too. I'll take pictures and post them on here soon.

Well, bye for now. Love, Becky

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