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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Manya Friedman, and Nesse Godin, my favorite Holocaust Survivor Friends

This is Manya Friedman, taken in late 2008. She is a Holocaust Survivor, and a great friend. I love her very much. She is in her 80's now, and still volunteers every week at the USHMM in DC. She's a wonderful person, and I miss her every day.

And this is a photo of my Nesse...my bubby, (Jewish term for "grandmother") Nesale (Ness-ah-lah). Nesse Godin is her name, and if you type that into Google you will read dozens of articles about her. She's an amazing Holocaust Survivor too, and I will be inviting them both to my wedding. I doubt that they will be able to attend, but I will still invite them just the same. They mean the world to me, and I miss them very much.

Just wanted to share these amazing people that I love with everybody.

Love, Becky

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