Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pete is a poop

Monday comes, after spending a week in Rochester NY to get his mother's furniture from her home, loaded into a moving truck, and unloaded into our now completely filled garage...and Pete says to me, "Oh, by the way, my company picnic is this coming Friday." I said, "Oh, that's nice." He said, "Um...I offered to have it here."

The man is going to get beat.

Now I have to do massive rearranging of furniture, cleaning the entire house from top to bottom, AND do yard work, clear off the deck and get everything ready for this little shin-dig, in a matter of THREE DAYS. Needless to say, I'm going to smack him silly. I asked how many people will be here from this Apple Computer office of his, and he said, "Well, there are about 20 people who work in my office, so figure at least that many AND possibly their spouses and kids too...so I have no idea how many total will be here."

EGAD!!! IS HE INSANE?!! Where the heck are we gonna put 60 people or more?! Oh, and get this, I checked the weather forecast, and it's supposed to RAIN ALL DAY on Friday too!!! AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!

So I'm supposed to scramble to get things put away, stuffed into the attic, garage, and anywhere else that I can, clean the entire house, make sure the yard isn't a jungle anymore, not to mention taking his mom for appointments, having my own doctor appointment, running errands, buying some groceries, getting a plumber out here to fix the leak under our kitchen sink, and putting away all the craft wedding stuff that I had out on a table in the living room.

SHEESH. I told him never to offer such a thing again as long as I live, or he can deal with it all by himself while I take off shopping for the whole day on Friday. He just chuckled at me, but I mean it, dang it all.

So, I'm off to the yard again, this ivy grows on EVERYTHING around here, and it's impossible to keep up with it. This is going to be a chaotic week and it's already half over, and I'm not even NEAR halfway done with everything...it's going to be a lot of late nights, unfortunately.

The cool news is, we won a DJ ----yes, I entered a drawing to win a free DJ for our wedding, and I WON!! So we will be able to have four hours of free tunes at the wedding and reception, and that just tickles me pink!! Now if I could just win free photography and videography, that would be amazing....hehehehe....this wedding is going to be so cheap, it's not even funny, but wow it's going to be awesome. Wait until you see all the stuff I've been making for it....and more ideas just keep coming!!

Bye for now. Love, Becky ps. Pete is gonna RUE THE DAY he ever offered to have a company picnic at our house....mark my words Mister Man, you're gonna get it.

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