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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Home after the honeymoon

....Yep...we're home...and before I tell you all the FUN and HAPPY things we did on our honeymoon, let's just start with my current MOOD and go from there.....

Stepped in dog food this morning; tub is clogged up so I can't take a shower; floor needs sweeping in the kitchen so little things keep sticking to the bottom of my feet...yep, we're home.

San Francisco was nice, but COLD, and if I hear the Mark Twain quote one more time about how cold SF is in the summertime, I swear I will scream. (The quote is: "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.")

So, like an idiot, I didn't hear that quote FIRST....and that's why I packed 8 pairs of shorts, 5 tank tops, ONE pair of jeans, ONE sweater....needless to say, I froze my butt off. We had to go buy zippered hoody sweatshirts the first day we were there. Ridiculous. It's JULY folks, but it felt like FEBRUARY, and that's just plain ridiculous.

Then my feet nearly fell off from all the walking we had to do...and it's very similar to Washington DC, "only one block" translates into: THE BLOCKS ARE TWO MILES LONG EACH. So, whenever Pete said "Hey it's only 3 more blocks," I would groan, and my feet did too. That's when I spied the SKETCHERS shoe store in Union Square. I made him buy me a new pair of cushy shoes. It was either that, or splurge and get us a CAB everywhere we went.
We took the MUNI bus mostly, but also the F bus to the Wharf, or the trolley cars or cable cars, etc., pretty much everywhere.

Did I mention that everything in SF is also UPHILL? Yes, Pete made me walk all the way up to the Coit Tower. If you don't know what the Coit Tower is, do a Google search. You'll discover what I did, that it sits on a huge hill, wayyyyy up at the top, and then you get to go up more stairs to get to the top of the tower. Sure, the view is awesome...but, that was some grueling ick going all the way up those city blocks uphill just to get there. The stupid bus wouldn't come and we stood there waiting for like 30 minutes or something, so we finally said screw it.

Yeah, buses aren't always on time. Then, we also discovered that most everything is CLOSED on Mondays in SF for some insane stupid friggin' reason. But, the Concierge at our hotel wasn't working that day, so we had no idea until we actually GOT to 3 different places we wanted to see, and none of them were open. All that walking for nothing. GRRRR.

By the time the 10th day came, Pete and I were both fed up with SF and wanted to come home. I got mostly fed up with homeless people---they are AGGRESSIVE there, they walk right up into your face, with Tourettes' Syndrome and bad breath, not to mention B.O., and they don't just ask, they demand money from you! One of them actually followed us INTO a restaurant to ask for money!! I don't trust any of those bastards though, they make more money in a year than I ever will. Half of 'em are fired exec's who don't want to tell their wives, and so they park their SUV's a few blocks down the street, change into slob clothes, and spend the 8 hour day begging, just to go home and pretend they still have jobs in the real world.

I told Pete next time we go out there, I'm messing up my hair, grabbing a nearby large cup, and yelling and swearing at people just to get our hotel paid for. That seems to be the way things are done there, so who am I to question it? We made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to carry around---just in case one of them got in our face, telling us how "hungry" they are--- and most of them AREN'T, they just want beer. So, we slapped a PB&J in their face and said, "Tah dahhhh...choke on THAT." (Remind me to tell you the story of the DC homeless chick who lied to me all over the place about her sob story life and how I spent the weekend going to churches and thrift stores, carrying bags of stuff for 5 days straight, like food and clothes for her unborn child to meet her at a street bench, but she never bothered to show up to get any of it the whole week). Yeah. I don't trust those bastages one bit.

Pete actually took a homeless guy into Subway to get him a submarine sandwich---after he originally asked for an "In and Out" burger. As Pete walked him towards the "In and Out" restaurant, he suddenly changed his mind and demanded Subway instead. Unbelievable. But, HE was actually TRULY hungry, and so it made his whole day.

Anyway, I'll write more soon. My mom wants to get out of this house and away from everything for awhile. Florence can prove to be quite a handful sometimes, and so it's time for a break. Nathan had himself some fun and games, gone the whole time we were gone, or with friends here staying the night, (underage friends) who liked to drink, get drunk, and puke all over. Yeah. Ain't life grand?

Just LOVE comin' home after a vacation. BLEAH.

Love, Becky

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