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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

We're moving...

Our decision has been made for us, regarding whether or not we stay and buy this house or not. We have been doing a "rent to own" situation, for two years. That two year mark ends in February, so next spring, we now know we'll be moving. What happened, you ask?

Yesterday, we had a nasty, disgusting SEWAGE LEAK coming up through the basement drains and into Florence's bathroom toilet, shower and sink---black gunk with feces and all kinds of things I couldn't even identify...I just knew from looking at it that it didn't come out of anybody's body (or if it DID, that person's a total goner).

Two hours later, a plumber announced that, hey, whatdayaknow, there's a TREE ROOT grown into the sewage pipe that leads into the house. So, he suggested snaking a camera down the pipe to find the exact place where it needs to be replaced, then destroy the tree and remove it along with the tree stump......can you say CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING??

We informed the home owner of all this, and he paid the $300 bucks to have it snaked, but he refused to do the camera and other things because of the price. So, the tree root WILL grow back, and it WILL happen again. But it will NOT happen to US. We're outta here. I mean, if you had seen the horrible SMELLY MESS that I had to clean up, (why the hell did I have to clean that up?!!), you would probably burn this place to the ground. That's what I wanted to do.

Next time, I told Pete, not only will I call a plumber, but I'll also be hiring a MAID to clean it up. That was the most FOUL STENCH and disgusting MESS I've ever seen. I really HATE domestic stuff, cooking and cleaning and all that---I keep telling Pete that I am NOT a Donna Reed, nor will I ever BE a Donna Reed. But, for some reason, he just doesn't get it. Sigh.

Anyway, so now the house hunt is officially "ON." We did go see a nice house last week, that was perfect for all of us, with everything in our wish list, but Pete is balking at the price.... which is $400K. Yeah, yeah, I know I know, it's out of our price range. But it was perfect. I am hoping that the people who own it will be willing to come down in price, though. We'll find out next week what their situation is, and what they might be able and willing to do. But, in the meantime, we're looking at other homes that are less expensive.

So, that's that.

We have also made hotel reservations in Fairfax VA to attend the Rally to Restore Sanity (Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the hosts), in Washington DC on October 30th. However, the more I think about it, the more I feel anxiety about it...crowds are not my favorite thing, especially crazy DC crowds. One traumatic experience in DC is more than enough for me, thanks. Just last week, there was a crazy man roaming around the Capitol Building with a gun that he pointed at people, and the security guards shot him. That's kinda scary to me. How many conservative, right wing idiots will be at this rally, with concealed weapons, protesting, yelling, angry, etc....I mean, the reality is that these two guys are COMEDIANS, and they want to have a rally that is supposed to HELP matters...but, in DC, even common sense is not common, so there is potential for a volatile situation to occur.

Sure, they have security people everywhere, and cameras, etc., but hello? So did my Museum. And yet, some racist PIG of an old man walked straight into the place and began shooting, killing a security guard at the door. Soooo, don't tell me that security guards (who typically get paid CRAP), are going to protect anyone. I just don't trust that.

The more I think about the whole thing, too, the more I feel like, I can't go back to DC anymore, ever again......part of me thought, "Well maybe I can take Pete through the Museum, he's never been there..." but then my whole entire being shouted real loud into my soul, "HELL NO." So, I cried a little, feeling broken, feeling lost, and wondered when the hell, if EVER, will I get over the whole traumatic experience of 9/11??? I really truly don't think I ever will. I haven't been able to go back there in a long time. We saw the Christmas Tree last year, but didn't go near my Museum at all. I miss those people, my former coworkers, the Survivors, etc., more than anything in the world....but I just cannot bring myself to go back there. It tears me to shreds.

Sooooo, I am half-inclined to cancel the hotel reservation and just watch it all on t.v. instead. I just can't seem to get past all that I had to deal with on 9/11, and it still affects me 9 years later. You'd think by NOW I would be over it, but sadly, I have to report that I'm not. The world just isn't the same and I just don't feel safe anywhere. I doubt that I will ever feel truly safe ever again, no matter where I go.

But, on October 27th, we're going to see Dane Cook, a very very funny comedian that I love, here in Pittsburgh. So, that is something I am looking forward to. Yes, there will be a crowd, but it's a brand new stadium, and hopefully they'll have metal detectors and stuff. I'll be looking online for the layout of the place, to know where all the exits are, too. I want to know where the fire extinguishers are, the stairs, the elevators, the bathrooms, etc., because that's what I was trained for in security when I worked at the Museum. Pay attention to your surroundings, know where everything is located, instantly be able to describe what a suspicious person is wearing, how tall, how fat, etc., if you see one. Report all abandoned packages too.

Yes, I have been trained in security measures, I had to be, because the Museum was a terrorist target every day of the week. We had bomb threats on a regular basis, and had to evacuate the place all the time. So, even though I've been trained in all that, I still don't know that I want to take a chance on going to DC. This fall will be a busy one though...I'll write more later.

Pete's taking me out for ice cream, so I'm gonna scoot. Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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