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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yard sale blues...and other stuff...

This photo just cracks me up...I'm a total dork sometimes...LOL....but I loves me the Stooges!!

Well, some news to report...my high school class president, Brenda, has asked ME if I would like to "take over" the high school reunion planning. She said, "I know you've just finished with the wedding of the century, but I'm ready to have some fun and drink at these things, so I need someone I can count on to take over." So, I talked with her briefly today about it, and I told her that, IF she can get a core group of Michigan people to do the "legwork" and stuff, then I can help with decorating and sending out invitations, etc.

I know, I know, I am a glutten for punishment. I must be certifiably insane.

So, the 25th reunion is next summer, and I get to choose when and where, and how. Since I've got a buttload of Gilligan stuff leftover from the wedding, don't be surprised if that's incorporated in it somehow. I mean, I could put different faces on them, like the principal as Skipper, and various teachers as the other characters, etc., to make it funny...we'll see. Hell, I could even put "clothes" on each character that have RPHS on them, or "Class of 86," or something. So, the possibilities are endless. Mmmuuuuuhahahahahaha!!

I think it would be cool to have a tour of the brand new high school (which we never attended), just to see how the younger RPHS students live, compared to our experience in the old school. Or, maybe have the reunion AT the new high school, in the cafeteria. I'll have to do some investigating, but that's the kind of thing I would need Michigan people to do for me.

Well, other than that, I've been busy trying to reorganize this house and have a yard sale. It took place last weekend, but it was a total BUST unfortunately. I took some video footage, and downloaded it from my iphone onto this computer, but HELL IF I CAN FIND IT at the moment. I just called Pete at work to ask him about it, so when he calls back I will add it.

Yes, I worked all week long on gathering items for the yard sale, organizing them into bins of different prices, etc., and then a 12 hour day of setting everything up on Friday. I made signs for all the surrounding streets, and put an ad on Craig's List. The morning of Saturday arrived with a riotous noise at 7:30 a.m. Apparently the Pittsburgh road construction crews from HELL decided to REPAVE every street around us ALL DAY LONG. They started doing this on the Monday before, and then disappeared the rest of the week, only to show up on Saturday to completely RUIN my yard sale.

We had 4 customers. We made $4.00 bucks. All day. So, we drank alcohol, and I took video footage of various things while I was sitting there BORED TO DEATH all day long.

I am all done with yard sales, needless to say. Pete is going to take stuff over to our friend Lisa's for a yard sale that SHE is having this coming weekend, and I told him he can go alone. I also told him he can skip it and we'll just donate everything to Goodwill, but he's going to try.

So here is one of the video's I took...(click on the > to play it). Unfortunately, the four minute video won't upload here though, which is a bummer, because it was kinda funny. I am starting to use the video feature on my iphone much more now, and it's very cool.

This one cracks me up too....LOL.....I tell ya, someday I'm going to try out for Saturday Night Live. I really am.
Anyway, here's another video just for shits and giggles....I took it the other day while driving!!

Even though Mr. Perry lives clear over on the west coast, he's still "with me" in the car almost every day while I drive...so, it makes traffic jams less annoying!!! I just love that man!!

Well, I'm off to do more mundane house cleaning. BLEAH. This place is a mess!! Once it's all nice and clean though, it will stay that way, and that's my goal.

Oh, and I leave you with this thought...I shared it on Facebook this morning, but here it is.....

Ok, so build the Mosque at Ground Zero. The terrorists know the American reaction of ignorance and intolerance will cause ourselves to get into World War 3, they won't have to do a thing, just stand back and watch it all unfold....

7 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · ·
    • Rebecca Gray They will come out smelling like a rose to the rest of the world, while we rot in our own filth of hatred, with our cancerous "us" vs. "them" mentality, bringing it all on ourselves. So, build the Mosque. Some idiot redneck in BFE will just burn it down out of ignorance. Predictable doom.
      7 hours ago · · 1 person ·
    • Melva J. Solon You got it right, Becky! Apparently, there are many Americans who don't really believe in the U.S. Constitution or our ideals/values that brought us here to this country to get away from oppression and create a country of freedoms. So, we can now prove to our enemies that it is all a bunch of whooey.
      7 hours ago · ·
    • Rebecca Gray
      The interview with Mr. Imam who wants to build it (that I saw on Jon Stewart's Daily Show last night), was an EXCELLENT interview, where he says he wants the Mosque to teach Americans that not ALL Islamic people are evil terrorists. It would be like Germans putting up a memorial to those Germans who were NOT Nazis, who actually HELPED the Jews, and build it on the site of a burned Synagogue.

      This guy does not strike me as an evil man. He just wants to EDUCATE people, and what better spot than THAT to do it? He wants to ERADICATE THE EVIL that happened there, which gave all Islamics a bad reputation, by doing something POSITIVE--to PROVE that they are NOT ALL BAD.

      But yet, as Jon Stewart said, many Americans and Fox News especially, are like the dog in the movie "Up," (where they pretend to be focused but then yell SQUIRREL! all the time), and they mistakenly hear "did he just THREATEN us with the word EXPLODE in his sentence?" instead of digging into what he was ACTUALLY SAYING.

      We did a rewind of the interview because Pete thought he was threatening Americans too---until I said REWIND THE DAMN THING AND LISTEN---what he SAID was, he didn't WANT any violence to occur, he didn't WANT anything to "explode" over this issue. But they misunderstood his words and twisted it around to say "he threatened us and used the word "explode--" and it's THAT kind of ignorant SHORT SIGHTED BULLSHIT that will get us all killed. He is trying to HELP us, but people see only the surface and start overreacting, burning Qurans and spinning in reactive stupidity and surfacey short-sighted bullshit, rather than LEARNING HOW TO REALLY LISTEN AND UNDERSTAND what others say.

      Nope, the terrorists don't have to do a THING to us, they just have to sit back and watch us all destroy ourselves out of pure ignorance. It is so sad to me. We'll just doom ourselves.
      6 hours ago · · 1 person ·
      5 hours ago · ·
    • Rebecca Gray
      Somewhere I read that if a mosque is built there, the American reaction will be to put a Smut shop with naked women right next door, and a pork restaurant on the other side of it....a Capitalist's DREAM....and of course, both are things that the Muslim religion is strongly against. So, even THAT thought saddens me, as smart-assed "American" as it is, (and accurate), because again, that is a reaction purely out of meanness and ignorance. That would be like the Germans building a memorial on the site of a burned Synagogue to the anti-Nazi Germans who helped Jews, only to have Nazi-sympathizers put up a statue of Hitler beside it. It only perpetuates the misunderstandings and keeps the hatred going. Why is it that God made us like this, are we as humans only capable of perpetuating hatred?? Why can't we instead spend the same time and energy on perpetuating LOVE?? I just don't get it.

      5 hours ago · · 1 person ·
    • Melva J. Solon
      I totally agree with you, Becky. People don't listen carefully and misinterprets what is actually said. Instead, they listen to only key words, then fills in their hatred and ignorance based on a word instead of listening to the whole message. That is the fault of the message receiver, not the sender of the message. Compassion and tolerance and acceptance is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. This country was established on a base of values and ideals and faith, and created and signed our U.S. Constitution as a basis of our values and ideals for a government for the people and by the people that we are created equal and without prejudice....but that prejudice has not gone away. Very sad about all of the ignorance and flawed thinking in our society. It is those people who obstruct progression and fairness.

      3 hours ago · ·
    • Michael Valdivielso A smut shop? (0.o) Where!?!?! Where?!?!?
      2 hours ago · ·

(heheheh my friend Mike V from the Museum is such a smart-ass)!! But my friend Melva shares in my feelings about the whole issue. I think we should just try and be edu-ma-kated for ONCE, by some other country and religion, other than our own. Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth. Let 'em build it. Show them that we, as Americans, are going to rise above the pettiness of the surface short-sightedness of stupid decisions based on hatred and prejudice. Can we all try and rise to that challenge?? Or will we all just seal our own doom??

Yeah, sometimes I just think too much. I hear some wine coolers calling my name...

But first, here's another silly video to entertain ya'll with....enjoy....

Love, Becky (the crazy Steve Perry lovin', ANTI-yard sale girl in Pittsburgh).

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