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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ya buncha crazy pervs....

Hehehehehehehehehe I'm still giggling about my previous post.  

Do you crazy perverted people out there REALLY think I was made into a birthday cake once with hot wax & frosting & candles?  HA!!!  I'll bet your jaws dropped to the floor when you read that!  I could hear some gasps coming from a long distance, so I know you were freaked out!!

I showed it to Pete last night and he laughed so hard he nearly fell off his chair...which is what I was going for, as a JOKE.......but then he said, "Didn't you send out Xmas cards & newsletters to your Holocaust Survivor friends, and other people who may not KNOW that's a joke,  if they check out the blog? You might want to erase that, or they might really freak out."

So okay, he's right, I did send this blog to a bunch of people to read, and I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea about me.  Ah well, isn't fantasy GREAT?!  I just have one hell of a creative imagination don'tchaknow. You really should know that about me by now, come on! Ah well, what can I say, it cracked me up at the time when I wrote it. 

Just know I have a rather dark and warped sense of humor.  The whole Leonardo DiCaprio thing really WAS a true conversation Pete and I had though! hehehehe

Now I have to get busy packing my stuff, we are moving in FIVE WEEKS!! AAAUUGGHHH!!! Pardon me while I hyperventilate again....FIVE WEEKS?!! GOOD GOD IN HEAVEN!!

Love, Becky

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