Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The clock is ticking folks...three weeks from today, I'll be in the new house with Pete, looking around at the chaos of all the boxes of stuff and furniture everywhere, wondering where to start.

Today we had some people come look at my current place, and they decided to rent it, so that's a good thing for our current landlord. Now he just has to rent the upstairs apartment.  He said, at one point, "Yeah if you need to move in here by March 1, I'm sure Pete and Rebecca will be able to work that out." I looked in panic at Pete, like, "WTF?! NO WAY!" But luckily the chick said, "Actually March 14th works just fine."  WHEW.  

I had a nasty bout of insomnia last night, my micro-bladder woke me up at 3:00 a.m., then of course my dog had to go outside, so I stood in the freezing air while she was out in the backyard doing her business, and I put my sock-covered foot (a Michigan habit), into the still lingering snow by mistake, which royally peeved me...nothing like being wide awake with a freezing damned foot at 3:00 a.m., eh?? Anyway, so then I go lay down again to fall asleep, but my acid reflux decided to kick in....apparently I can't eat onions anymore.  So I had to get up and take some TUMS.  Then, I lay back down again, only to hear Pete's son Nate come walking in at 4:15 a.m. from his hot date with his new girlfriend.  Pete laughed and said, "You should have messed with him and said, "YOUNG MAN I HAVE BEEN WAITING UP FOR YOU ALL NIGHT! YOU'RE GROUNDED!" hehehehe

Anyway, so then the dog has to bark, and then has to go out to greet him, so I had to get up and let her out, shutting the door.  Then a few minutes later, after I've laid down again, she stands outside the door whimpering to come back in again, so I had to get up AGAIN to let her in.... this sort of thing continued until 7:30 a.m., when I finally moved downstairs to my own bedroom, but couldn't fall asleep again because this time I was HUNGRY dammit, so I had to eat some chicken salad, but guess WHAT, the damned chicken salad had ONIONS in it, so my acid reflux said "hello again," and it was just a nasty damned night of no sleep.  I finally lay on my couch with a blanket and pillow, watching Turner Classic Movies, dozing here and there, until Pete came down at 8:30 a.m. to say "Heyyy where'd you go?"

I've been running on caffeine all day, needless to say, and I'm fading fast.

But, we have got a LOT of packing done, thankfully, and next weekend we'll be going to a home show at the convention center downtown, which should be cool.  I LOVE home shows, and I even drool like an interior designing FOOL every time we go to Home Depot!!  I'm such an "oops-paint-addict," I have about a dozen cans of paint sitting outside my apartment door right now...to bring to the new house!! hehehehe  Hey, you can't beat getting a whole can of paint for $5 bucks!!  I'm the QUEEN of BARGAIN SHOPPING!!  I found a cool lime green color tonight, which will go GREAT in my girly-girl dressing room, it's going to be pale pink and lime green, with accents of hot pink and black here and there....can't wait....it'll look so awesome!!  I will take "before an after" photos of each room as I decorate too, so I can share them with you too.

Anyway, so now that I know someone is moving in here when I leave, I'll be busy packing all week, getting as much done as I can so we can go have fun next weekend. Pete's daughter has managed to gather 8 people, all 20-something's with lots of energy, to help us move!! YAY!!  Now Pete can stand in the truck and hand out stuff for them to lug up and down the stairs, while I stand in the house and direct traffic to all the different rooms!  And to think it'll only cost us PIZZA!!  Ya can't beat THAT with a stick either. Hopefully, as Pete has planned it, we'll pick up the 26 foot moving truck at 9 a.m., it'll take us some time to get it backed in to the front door, and hopefully by 10:00 a.m. we'll be loading....he expects that with 10 of us doing it, the whole process of packing the truck should take about 4 hours.  Then he thinks we can all go to the new house, eat some pizza for lunch, and then unload, which should take 3 hours or less. We only get to rent the truck for one day, so he's trying to cram it all into Saturday so that we can just wake up and start unpacking on Sunday.  (Personally I think this is wayyyy too optimistic, and I suggested getting the truck for two days, just to be on the safe side. Does he REALLY think I'm going to have the energy to work from 9 a.m. until midnight?! GOOD GOD MAN!! SURELY YOU JEST!!).  But, we'll see how it goes.  I may need some major uppers.

Well, let's see....in other news, I have no job on the horizon yet....the temp agency put my resume in for a position last week, so I'm waiting to hear about that....our new landlord put my resume in for a position where he works a few weeks ago, but I haven't heard anything about THAT yet either, and the jobs I keep sending in my own resume to haven't come through yet either.  I'm starting to think that Pittsburgh people only like to hire native Pittsburghians, not outsiders from Washington DC who have better resumes and threaten to "take their job." I went to the local Holocaust Center, which (sadly) is just a 2 room office really, lamer than lame, and I offered to help out somehow, and the lady I spoke to (there are TWO people who work there by the way),  said to me, "Wow, are you here to take my job or something?"  

So I was like, "GIRRRRRLLL, STFU....you couldn't pay me enough to sit in this rinky-dink 2 room lame-ass Holocaust Center, after having worked at a 5 story Museum with famous people and Survivors every day..." but I just smiled condescendingly at her like a Washington DC SNOB, and said, "I just want to teach the Holocaust and be my own boss, I am not here to take your job, I don't want to be just an administrative person."  But, of course, after exchanging contact information, I haven't heard anything from them either. SIGH.

It kinda sucks to be in a specialized history-field like Holocaust Education, especially when you're not officially Jewish and don't have a teaching degree yet.  Sux2bme. SIGH.

Well, so that's the scoop in my world of poop.  Hope you are all doing well. I'll write again soon to update you all on the San Francisco trip, if it ever gets decided by Pete's boss, who seems to be taking his sweet time with it....grrrrrr....it's hard to move forward when you don't know where the heck you're gonna be in a few weeks, ya know?? Oh well, life goes on....bye for now!!

Love, Becky

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