Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

San Francisco???!!!

Ok so Pete and I just signed this one-year rental lease on this very cool house, last Saturday.  A few days later, he gets this email from his bosses' boss, asking what kind of dog I have and how much does she weigh, etc., which freaked me out, because apparently they are thinking of sending us BOTH to San Francisco to live for three months, for his job!  ARGH!!  I spazzed, of course, because I've been doing things like making curtains (I can't sew worth a damn, but I love that "stitch witchery" stuff), and painting around the edge of a mirror, and of course packing---getting ready for the move to the new house.  I've got an entire 3-ring binder full of decorating ideas that I've been working on for the last couple of months! 

Now, we may just have to move all our stuff to the new house, then turn around and take off to San Francisco, putting all the decorating ideas on hold for 3-6 months.  We don't know yet if they are definitely going to let me and Sassy go along with Pete or not, but Pete replied that he would still be interested in going even if I can't, and that makes me feel relieved because at least I would have time to decorate and get the place looking nice for him when he came back. 

Technically, the Apple Computers headquarters is located in San Jose, which is about 45 minutes away from San Francisco I guess, so that's really where we would be living, if we do go. Pete's thought is, if they are going to shell out $$ to pay for him to stay in a corporate rental apartment that is fully furnished while he's there, it wouldn't cost anymore for me to be there. So he thinks his bosses boss is looking into various apartments that allow dogs.  Pete already said we would DRIVE there, (he's insane, does he NOT realize I have a MICRO-BLADDER?!), and that's about a 3-day trip I guess, give or take a day.  I told him the way he drives, I'll have to down some Dramamine so I can zonk out and sleep the whole way. Otherwise he makes me a nervous wreck---I thought MY "road rage" was bad, but ohhhhh no, not compared to HIS.

I've never been out west that far before, other than to L.A. once...and I was not very impressed. In fact, after watching Turner Classic Movies all these years, I thought Hollywood was going to be something spectacular, only to discover it's like a GHETTO really, and that sucked.  I saw the hand prints in the sidewalk by the Grauman's Chinese Theater, but with all the homeless people and garbage strewn everywhere, and construction noise, it really just disappointed me more than anything else.  

Pete's all excited. He thinks they are going to go for it and let us both go there. He thinks it's going to be this huge adventure. I see it as bit of an interruption on all my decorating at this new house of ours.  But his son, Nate, will stay at the house by himself if we both go.  Pete hopes we get to go for the entire summer, when it's beautiful and warm and sunny there.  I say, "only if there's central AIR CONDITIONING in the apartment."  I won't know a single human being in that place, so I can foresee lots of days where it's just me and the dog, walking around maybe on a beach area if they allow dogs, just putzing around.  I don't know really what I would do there.  We would have my car, I guess, but I don't know my way around so that isn't very comforting. 

The only person I sort of "know" but have never met in person, is a woman I have corresponded with periodically, named Lora Beard.  She was someone who worked on the Journey fan club for many years, and I've sent her various letters since high school, with information about bootleg Journey merchandise that I discovered---she thanked me by sending me a postcard set of Journey one year, which I still have---and when I was harrassed for 6 months by a guy who used to work for the band, (he crashed my computer because I kept defending Steve Perry on the Journey fan club message boards and he hated him), I sent Lora every email and every posting from that message board that he and I exchanged, to show her the kind of slander that was going on about Steve Perry and maybe he should do something about it.  I don't know if she ever showed him those emails or not, but the guy ended up getting fired.  So, I send her emails on occasion, and a Christmas card every year.   But, I don't really "know" her, or anything like that.  I just know that she's very nice, she's always written back to me when I send her something, and she works in San Francisco.  I also think that she wouldn't give me the time of day if I called her up to say, "Hey want to go to lunch?"

Other than Lora, I once dated a guy who lives in LA, but he turned out to be a total jerk, so I'm not going to be looking HIM up at all if I go out there.  So, really, I don't know what I would be doing. Pete suggested that I could work at temp agencies, and okay, that's definitely an option. I just don't know how the competition would be, if it's so bad HERE would it be worse there? And the cost of living is outrageous out there, too.  Plus the fact that we would be driving back in my Neon, so I can't really buy much stuff to bring back home with us, ya know?

Well, so those are just some of my thoughts about this San Francisco idea.  I wouldn't mind going to some of the tourist sites, of course, because I would be a tourist and I like that kind of stuff.  I already know that I love the Museum of Tolerance there in L.A., and I would absolutely LOVE to work there, but again, that's not exactly close to San Jose.  So, who knows what San Jose has in the way of museums, I guess I could do a google search, but maybe I could work at one for a few months while we're there, or something.  I don't know.

I'm inclined to think his boss will just send HIM but then again, if they're asking about my dog, the odds seem to be leaning towards having me go along.  We'll see what happens.  I have no clue when, I have no clue where we'd live, or anything like that.  It's all still in the works, but once we find out, we'll let you all know.

In the meantime, we're still packing, (little by little), and getting ready for March 14th when Pete's kids will be here to help us move to the new house.  I will take pictures too, and I'll add them to the blog once we get done moving, and can hook up the computer!!

Love, Becky & Pete

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