Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We are moving!

Hello all! It's official. We signed a one year lease on a house that is about seven miles East of Pittsburgh. (We are currently about five miles North of the city.) We have given notice here and on March 14th we will be moving. My daughter Sybil and her husband are coming down to help. Hopefully they will also be bringing some friends with them. Since the 14th is Sybil's birthday we will have a big party in the new house that night. (Assuming we are not all worn out from the move.) So now we need to spend every free moment packing. Rebecca just got here six months ago and she has to pack up again. But this means that a lot of her stuff was never unpacked.

I am sure we will be in the new house for at least a year or two. And if we really like it, perhaps we will buy it! The owners had it on the market since last May and they are only renting because they were not able to sell it so far. They don't really want to be landlords, but they can't really afford to pay two mortgages. So they are renting to us! We love it and look forward to hosting anyone who wants to make their way to Pittsburgh.  So let us know if you are passing by, want to drive over, or need to be picked up and the bus station, train station, or airport.

As of March 14th, 2009 our new address will be:

115 Forest Hills Road
Forest Hills, PA  15221

More news as it happens!


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