Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My 3-ring binder

Heh, Pete forgot to mention my huge 3-ring binder full of interior decorating ideas for every room in the new house...we brought it to show the homeowner yesterday when we signed the lease, and you should have seen his face!! hehehehehehe

I told him I have too much time on my hands because I can't seem to get hired for a long term job around here, (I've just been doing temp jobs so far, this economy royally sucks), so I have to have projects to keep myself busy, and I figured I would just jot down some ideas for how to decorate the place.  Luckily he agreed to let us do our own thing when it comes to making it comfy and aesthetically pleasing, so I'm GEEKED about it!!

So now we are packing our stuff and getting the truck rented and all that fun stuff. This is like, the 10th move I've had in about 8 years I think....which is not exactly fun.  But once we're in the new place, we're staying PUT for awhile....unless of course, Pete's boss decides to send us to San Francisco, and that verdict is still out at the moment, we have no idea if they will do that or not. Either way, we'll have a home to come home to at least.

Well, I'm off to do some packing and painting, getting the place cleaned up and ready for being shown to other potential tenants.

Bye for now.

Love, Becky   ps. I didn't think there were any "naughty bits" on my pictures either, but some people threw a spazz when I put a few on my Facebook profile...my friend Annette said "I had to check and see if my SON was one of your friends on here or not..." I told her the boy (who is 17) probably has seen more rated R movies than she even knows about, and to take a chill pill. hehehehe But sometimes, people are weird about showing a little skin, so I figured I'd be rated G for this photo, so not to offend anyone who can't handle a little cheesecake.

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