Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

GACK....only 5 more days....

This is the last weekend in our current abode...we have five more days left here, and then we're on our way to the new house.  We both expected to get so much done this weekend, but in reality, we got nothing done at all.  I really don't know how the heck we're going to get everything done by Friday either...I've chewed off all my fingernails already, worrying about it.

We took off Friday evening after Pete got out of work, and drove to Rochester NY to stay overnight in a hotel.  Saturday morning we were up at 6:30 a.m., spent a couple hours at the local farmers market with his step-daughter Heather, spent some time at his lawyer's to do our taxes this year, then spent time at the baby shower for his daughter-in-law who is very close to having the baby any day now, and then spent time with his daughter Sybil and taking everyone out for dinner for Heather's birthday. Then of course, another 4 hour ride back in the rain and fog, which was no fun at all.  It was, to say the least, a very LONG and exhausting day.

We were both dead-meat exhausted when we got home around midnight, and today we paid for all that running around crazy all day yesterday, all we could do is nap, and eat, and get a few groceries. No packing took place, no fragile items were taken over to the new house like we had planned, nothing.  We were wiped out completely.  And I forgot my @#$%! temper-pedic pillow at the damned Red Roof Inn, ain't that a kick in the pants?? DRAT!!  (It's one of the FEW "old lady" items I own so far, thankyouverymuch), and I really LOVE that dang pillow.  But, luckily when we called them, they had it in the lost and found and Pete's daughter Sybil will pick it up and bring it to me next weekend when she and her entourage are here to help us move, so that works. (Why they didn't CALL US to say they had it and offer to ship it, I don't know, maybe that's just too much REAL customer service for them to handle). Sniff.

Anyway, so funny thing about this old drafty house we currently live in---the house was built in 1897 by the way---there seems to be a nasty leak coming in with all this rain we've been having lately, from the roof and attic area, which has now got the floor of the landing to the basement completely soaked, and smelling like MOLD. So yeah, I get to breathe in all that wonderful stench for the next 5 days, making my asthma flair up...won't that be great?!  I guess it's the house's way of saying goodbye, how thoughtful. I'd like to burn the place to the ground, personally, but Pete says we should just be nice about it and let the elements ruin it even more after we're gone.  I still say, I hope a bolt of lightening gets it, and burns it to the ground.  I mean, I love that it was built in 1897, and what a beauty she would be if she could ever be fully restored to her original construction---but they cut it up and made it into two separate apartments, so the upstairs might as well be a TENT OUTSIDE because the walls are so thin and not insulated, it's drafty and cold all the time, and you can hear every little noise in the neighborhood all the time too. This poor house really just needs to be put out of its misery once and for all.

Five days until we are in our new place, and it's going to be intriguing and somewhat terrifying too......I mean, this is the BIG TIME, people, at least for me....the first time EVER in my whole LIFE that I'll be living in the same house with a guy.  I mean, sure this house we're currently in is technically a house, but two separate apartments...which means, I had my own space to get away from Pete when I needed to, so that I could "go to my cave," which I need to do sometimes, to be quiet, and to think, and just relax......Pete likes lots and lots of stimuli...he has always been ADD, so he thrives on noise and fast-paced busy stuff.....but not me.  I'm not like that at all.  I like peace, and quiet, and just sitting and thinking and relaxing.  In the new house, there really won't be a separate place for me to go to do that, other than outside or walking the dog......and so this will prove to be a very interesting experiment. 

Tune in next time to see if Pete is bloody and bruised in a corner after a week at the new house! hehehehe  Ya just never know.  We may end up going crazy living together in such close quarters like that.  This is like a true test of our relationship, and one that could make or break it. So, keep your fingers crossed.

I don't know if I will have time to write this week, but I'll do my best to try at least once more before the computer gets disconnected and put into the moving truck.

Oh, before I forget, Pete's lawyer who does his taxes sent this funny skit to him and I via email, and the funniest, (or perhaps saddest?) thing about it, is that in the background, they play DON'T STOP BELIEVIN' as the theme music to "Cougar Barbie," on her 50th birthday....it's hilarious....I can't figure out how to add it to this blog though.  Maybe you should go to www.youtube.com and search for "Barbie 50th birthday," or "Cougar Barbie." I'll keep trying to load it here if I can find time this week. 

Bye for now. Love, Becky 


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