Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, March 2, 2009

House keys

We finally picked up the keys to the new house yesterday.  In two weeks, we'll be living there. The landlord apologized for having to leave the gorgeous patio table with umbrella and fancy chairs, we'll just have to use it because they don't have room in their new place for it...darn!!  But otherwise, they've got most of their stuff completely out of the house, and what they don't get out will be put above the garage until they can come get the rest.  He said we could start bringing stuf over on Wednesday of this week, so that will be great. I might actually get some painting done, and that would be awesome.

So, that's the news. We are still packing, (taking our time, can't you tell?) and next weekend we're going to Rochester NY Friday night, to visit with Pete's stepdaughter and take her out for her birthday, and then attend a baby shower for his daughter-in-law. Then we'll head back Saturday afternoon and spend Sunday packing more stuff. The big moving weekend is the 14th, so we are getting things ready for it.  I've already changed our address with the post office, my bank, and we'll call the rest of the people who need to know. The truck is reserved, it's a 26 foot truck too, Pete wants to get everything in one trip. It'll be interesting to see if that works.

I hope things will go smoothly, I hope the weather will cooperate, I hope that nothing gets broken or damaged, and I hope that we'll be happy there in the new house.

As for San Francisco, the last I've heard, his boss says it probably won't happen until May or thereabouts, and I am thinking that Pete should go there on his own, and leave me here.  But we'll see what they say. 

Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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