Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My best buddy, Laurie Lowder, went into the hospital today for another knee surgery. The poor girl has been going through a lot of havoc with her knee over the past few years, not to mention the huge FAT woman who fell on her one day while she was working at the hospital, trying to lift her back into bed after a trip to the bathroom. That really caused her a lot of pain and now all of her cartilege (sp?) is worn completely away, leaving the bones to rub on each other.  The surgery is to insert two small metal plates onto each bone, and some fake cartilege in between the two plates.  YIKES. That kinda makes my stomach queasy, just thinking about it.

She said she has had this constant throbbing pain in her knee since last NOVEMBER, which blows my mind. If I had that kind of pain for a DAY I'd be cryin' like a baby...I don't know how she does that...super high pain threshold I guess.  Not me!!  But I'm a wuss though. I can't even give blood anymore because every time I do, I pass out. They won't let me do it at the Red Cross anymore!!  What a royal gyp!!

Anyway, I hope Laurie will get through surgery without too much pain and discomfort, and she will be stuck in the hospital until Thursday or Friday this week.  She'll be using a walker for 6-8 weeks too, which royally sucks, but her mom is having fun with it, telling her "Nyah Nyah, you're using one before I will!!"  hehehe  Can't wait to see those pictures she'll be taking of that thing  too!!

Well, after she's back on her feet, Laurie plans to come visit Pete and me at the new house.  I'm looking forward to that. We'll have a fun time, and hopefully she'll be running laps around Pittsburgh without any problems.

Meanwhile, in MY neck of the woods, I've been going back and forth between houses, taking stuff over to the new place all week, and hanging curtains and stuff like that.  I'm cleaning a bit too, and just getting stuff situated so that it's not ALL chaos on Saturday. I checked the weather channel online and it says that our weather might be a bit colder, but at least it'll be DRY and sunny on Saturday...so that's good.  If it rains, somebody's head is gonna roll.

I've been rather.....spazzy....all week long, to say the least. I keep looking around at all the STUFF I've got left to pack and I just cannot wrap my head around it.  I don't know how the HELL we're going to get it all done by Saturday, I really don't.  It overwhelms me to the point of paralysis, I just sit there staring at it all, unable to do anything with it.  Frustrating as hell.

Well, let's hope it gets done, and everything goes smoothly. I'll be sure to take some pictures to add to the blog sometime later next week. Bye for now.  (I think the computer will be shut off Friday, hopefully to return on Sunday).

Love, Becky

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