Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Ow....ow ow ow.....ow.....owwwwwwww!!!

Every muscle and bone in my body aches like you wouldn't believe...

The one-word description of our move:  (and pardon the french).....cluster-f@#$k.

We had five 20-something's, all of whom proved to be worthless, except for Pete's son and daughter. The others they brought along sat and whined and whimpered and belly-ached, acting like idiot drama queens the whole time, which royally upset Pete and me very much. Friggin' male  WOOSES I tell ya, they all need to be sent away to military boot camp to grow up, suck it up and get the job done. 

But, we managed in 2 days straight (12 hour days), with two separate trips in a 26 foot truck, to get everything over to the new house. (Did I mention we've got a LOT OF CRAP?)  Where those specific items ARE right now, remains a mystery.  We did find some chinese food for breakfast though, so that's half the battle.

Pete's daughter and son-in-law apparently hate the fact that I own so many shoes...but I say, "wait until YOU get to be 40 years old, after collecting all the stuff YOU guys collect, and see how much crap YOU gather by then."  Pete's been collecting comic books since the age of 10, so he's got a buttload of long white comic book boxes all stacked up like cord wood in the garage. He's got more of THOSE than I've got SHOES, thankyouverymuch.  Pete's son-in-law was a bit peeved because "if they're just going to get rid of or have a yard sale to sell all this stuff, why the hell are we moving it then?"  But the key factor in that assumption is HAVING TIME TO DO THAT, which neither one of us HAD, not to mention the SNOW EVERYWHERE for the past few months, so how exactly could we HAVE a yard sale??  I think sometimes they just speak without thinking, but all the whimpering and whining about it really was annoying.

Why they brought an 8 year old kid with them, is beyond me. She was bored and wanted to go play at the playground the whole time, getting into things, spilling things, and just being in the way the whole time.  She's a cute kid, and she did pitch in to help a little bit here and there, but really, if you know you're going to be spending a weekend moving furniture and stuff, bringing an 8 year old kid along really doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.

So, now everything is here, but where the hell is my deodorant?! 

Anyway, I have to go back to the old place today and finish cleaning the kitchen, which COULD have been finished yesterday if several of the 20-something's didn't just sit in the CAR the whole time, claiming they've had enough and were upset and didn't want to do anymore work.

Other than that, it was just a thrill. We'll never move again.  I told Pete if and when we get sent to San Francisco, I'm not bringing ANYTHING.  We'll buy clothes when we get there, we'll get toiletries and whatever else we need when we get there, screw it, I'm not bringing a damned thing!! I ain't luggin' suitcases or shoulder bags, hell I don't even want to pick up my PURSE right now....my arm might fall off.

We heard chirping birds this morning!!  No buses, no big trucks, no car noises...no honking horns, no kids at the school.....just birds.....ahhhhhhhh....what a peaceful way to wake up!!

Okay, I gotta go unload my car, so I can take Pete to work.

Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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