Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens

Pete got a free pass to preview the new Disney 3D cartoon movie, "Monsters vs. Aliens," and we saw it on Saturday morning.  It was the typical, formulaic computer-generated fluff, that most kids love, but the best part for me was hearing "Who's Cryin' Now" by Journey being played in one scene, where two anonymous human characters were making out in a car, and it was playing on the radio...before the UFO gobbled the two people up, of course. Gave me a chuckle!!

Anyway, then we saw Bernadette Peters perform at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra on Saturday night, and at first I really didn't think I would enjoy it all that much, but for a 61 year old woman, she can still sing like nobodys' business!  I was very impressed, she did the sexiest version of "Fever" that I've ever heard, and I love that song.  She did all kinds of awesome Broadway musical songs, from performances that she has given in "Gypsy" and others.  She really was very good, and I am glad that we went to see her. (No pictures were allowed, so I don't have any to put here). On our way home, Pete did an illegal left turn trying to get to the highway, and we got pulled over. He ended up with a $109.50 ticket.......yeeee OUCH.....so that was a bummer way to end to a rather enjoyable evening.

Speaking of photos, I did take a few on our first moving day, but right now the camera is packed away somewhere, so I can't put any photos here for you.  We are still unpacking and sorting stuff, getting things set aside for a huge yard sale soon.  Pete and I have a lot of duplicate stuff, like 4 George Foreman grills, I mean come on, how many do you really need?!  So we're planning on doing that sometime soon.

Pete is also hoping to have a housewarming party in April, but I say he's crazy. We've got too much stuff to unpack, and I haven't even began to paint anything, it's just not ready.  But he's a stubborn pain in the butt sometimes, and he insists that we should have a party soon.  Only bummer about it is, I have no family or friends nearby who can attend.  So what fun is that?? Sure, HIS friends can stop by, yippy for me, but I've got nobody to invite who would come. I don't think my family in Michigan would drive 8 hours to attend, and the only person who MIGHT come, is my friend Barbara in Baltimore, but that's also a 4 hour ride. So I don't expect that to happen either.

Another bummer that just happened, I got a letter from Miep Gies today, (which is usually always a happy occasion), and did you know that she just turned 100 years old in February?! Still kickin', and sending ME letters, at 100 years old....God I love that woman....anyway, I had asked for a grant to help get my book published, but the foundation that she and Cornelius Suijk are running is in bad shape----Mr. Madoff has basically screwed the entire Jewish community, all the way from Eli Weisel down to the tiniest Holocaust Foundation-----so, their funding has dried up and Cor isn't even sure his foundation will make it through the end of 2009. They are unable to help me with a grant, but they do feel the book is a good one and I should pursue other options.

Needless to say, I am rather depressed about this. I guess I should just give up the idea, it's been sitting and waiting for 10 years or more, and now it seems like it will never actually get published, so scrapping it seems to be the only other alternative. Pete suggested I make copies of the prototype and send them to all the Survivors I loved working with at the Museum. They might then show it to people who work at the Museum, and they might take the idea and make it happen.  I guess it's more important to have it published even if I'm not a part of it, but at the same time, what if they show it to Museum people who decide to come after me and sue me or something?  I just want to give those Survivors something that I think they might love, which is bridging the gap of generations to teach kids that even their voices should be heard in the midst of crisis, and teach them a little bit of history at the same time.

Anyway, that's the news from our new neck of the woods. Sassy loves her new yard, we go play in it every day, running around the bricks that outline the tree, tossing sticks around, she just loves it...and the dog next door, Sunny, greets her with barking every morning too. They are becoming good buddies I think.  I'm still working on unpacking stuff, and looking for stuff that I can't seem to find anywhere...I'm sure it will take us awhile to get everything settled and sorted.

Well, bye for now. Go see that movie, if you like cartoon kid movies, it's pretty cute!

Love, Becky

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