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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ahhhhh unemployed once again...

Ya know, it's really quite a confusing conundrum for me, trying to figure out why the HELL I can pack it up and move clear across the universe to land in Washington-FUBAR-CITY-DC at age 27, with little to NO real world experience, and end up getting the most awesome job in the whole entire world, workin' at the most prestigious new Museum on the entire National Mall-----

But, at age 40, move my fat carcass to buttsecks-witcho-cousin-Michigan or redneckland Pittsburgh PA, and oh HELL NO I can't get even a stupid measly administrative assistant job ANYWHERE.  Why the hell IS THAT?! I've got a KICK ASS RESUME DAG-NABBIT!!!  What the hell is the deal here?? I just got another stinkin' rotten rejection email, "We're sorry, but your resume does not match our current needs at this time."  Oh yeah?! Well KISS MY FAT TWAT.

I'm about ready to go beat some ass.

Okay, so I posted a funny picture of a "dick-tater," and everybody on Facebook went wild, laughing their heads off, so I hope it got the same response here too.  I figure, when you work at a Museum about Hitler and the Holocaust for so long, ya gotta laugh at something silly every now and then. I mean, I remember the day I felt like somebody kicked me in the gut, when I realized with a jolt, "If it weren't for Adolf Hitler, I wouldn't have a JOB."  Try livin' with THAT around your neck every day of the week, knowing your rent is paid by money at a job that, without HIM, wouldn't even EXIST....your car payment, the food in your fridge...oh yes, I was sick and devastated in the bathroom the entire day when I realized this, and it was the day I knew I had to develop a rather dark sense of humor, or I wouldn't be able to work there at all.

So, as a defense mechanism, that's what I did. When I see stuff that pokes FUN at Hitler, I guffaw like a wild hyena. When I see even a stupid picture of a warped potato that looks like a man's genitalia, I spew my soda on the keyboard laughing so hard...the Three Stooges have been my therapy of choice for many years, and I tell ya, if I hadn't had them to go home to in the evenings while working there so long, I'd probably be as whacked as a loon right about now.

Oh, but I AM, you say?! I AM whacked as a loon?! SRSLY?! 

Why YEEEESSSSSSSSSS, yes I am, and you wanna know WHY that is NOW?! Because I have no JOB people, THAT is why. I have tons and tons of TIME, oh yes, I've ALWAYS had a ton of TIME, all my life, that's ALL I have had an overabundance of....never money or fancy things, oh no not me, but TIME, sure, I've got a buttload of it every day.  So, I have to come up with projects to keep me busy.  And now that my job at KDKA TV is over, I have a house to paint and decorate, and a ton of crap to unpack and put away or get rid of.  BLEAH.  I have no challenging mind-blowing THINKING going on though, I mean come on, even a monkey can paint...I feel like my brain has turned into oatmeal.

So, the latest news around here is that Pete's mom might come live with us.  We told her that we would go visit her this weekend, and she's told everybody that "she's leaving with us," (which is news to US), so I guess we're going to make up the guest room and get it ready for her. She's 87 years old, and her memory isn't doing very well, but SHE is rotting away bored to death in a nursing home, and hates it there.  I can definitely relate to this woman. She and I both have too much TIME to sit around and do nothing, and think about nothing, and we have no challenge going on, no job, no real purpose.  It's enough to drive ya batty.

I don't know how celebrities and rich people can just sit around on their stupid lazy butts all day every day doing nothing, and not feel like they're brains are rotting from the inside.  I just re-did my resume too, thinking maybe something in it is turning the employers away...but for the LIFE of me, I can't figure out what that something could be.  So, I've made it look nicer, but really, I don't know what else to do.

Well anyway, so pardon me while I put stupid pictures on the blog once and awhile, I just don't know what the hell else to write about.  My book is going nowhere, I feel STAGNANT, and I'm just wondering when the hell this economy is going to pick up and HIRE ME someplace.

Bye for now.

Love, Becky  (your favorite silly picture-uploadin', time-wastin' misunderstood genius).

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