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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gene Kelly RULES!!

Hello Everybody,

Well as you know, I'm a huge old movie buff....so of course, Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly are two of my all-time favorite men to watch dance.  Fred Astaire had HUGE hands, have you ever noticed that? He was a skinny dude, but his hands were massive!  I don't think he had much of a butt though, like Gene Kelly did....mmmmm, yes he did....you could bounce a quarter off his butt, that's how awesome his butt was......ROWR....

Ahem. But I digress...so today, Pete took his mother and I to the theater, to see the Pittsburgh Pops Orchestra play a performance dedicated to the movies of Gene Kelly.  They played excerpts from his movies, (Singin' in the Rain, Brigadoon, and An American in Paris), and while the movie clips were playing, so was the symphony!!  It was very cool...I mean, imagine the 17 minute ballet sequence in An American in Paris, and a live orchestra playing along with it....WOW!!  We all loved it.  His mom was exhausted afterwards.  But she had a great time.  

The weather here has been gorgeous the past week, so yesterday I wore my capri pants, with sandals....and guess what, like an idiot, I was outside most of the day, so now my ankles and top of my feet are SUNBURNED.  I looked like a complete MORON today when I wore a skirt...I didn't even realize that my feet and ankles were reddish pink, while the rest of my legs blinded people, they are so lilly-white....in fact, as we stood on the corner to wait for Pete to get the car and pick us up, one car drove by with 3 guys in it, and one yelled out, "You need to get yourself TANNER." I couldn't believe it.  I just stood there, dumbfounded, speechless.  And for the rest of the night I've been feeling horribly ugly and fat and like some kind of freak.

Ah well, that's the nature of Highly Sensitive People.

Anyway, I'm off to bed after a rather long weekend. Didn't accomplish much, but it was long just the same.  Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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