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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh

Yes indeed, this is my new job, at the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh. I am working in the Development Department, which means I am helping them with fundraising projects and events. That's what I did at the Holocaust Museum in DC too. Mostly I did all the administrative stuff that goes with the fund raiser events, things like ordering flowers, ice sculptures, getting bids for catering, typing up requisitions and getting them signed so we could pay for everything before the event happened, making name tags, place cards, etc., all that excess stuff that nobody really thinks about, but makes things happen.

I don't know how long this new temp job will last, at least 4-6 weeks I'm told, but I'm only part time because there is another woman working Monday-Wednesday each week, so I will only be here on Thursdays and Fridays, but that works out fine with having Pete's mom visiting us awhile. In September the other woman will no longer be able to work here because she's going back to school, so it MIGHT work out to my advantage as a full time position at that point. We'll see. It's a nice place, and the people are nice so far too, so I really like it. I am learning a lot of things, like in the annual report, they have statistics that might just blow your mind.....

* Only 3 out of 100 black males entering kindergarten will graduate from college.
* Only 8.4% of black males are identified and enrolled in gifted and talented classes.
* Black males in their early 30s are twice as likely to have prison records (22%) than bachelor's degrees (12%).
* A black male born in 1991 (today's 7th grade student) has a 29% chance of spending time in prison at some point in his life. (The figure for Hispanic males is 16% and for White males is 4%).
* A black male is 700% more liley than a White male to be sentence to a local, state, or federal prison.

So, this kind of thing is something I have always been very passionate about, and that's why I hope this job lasts a lot longer than 4-6 weeks. It's right up my alley. I have always had the chronic "save the world" syndrome, so this is one "cause" that I feel is worth fighting for. It may not be related to Jewish stuff, like the Museum was, but whenever there is a scapegoat in society, I want to help somehow. I don't know that my involvement really makes a difference or not, but I try to do things to make the policies or processes, and projects, work better.

Well, next weekend we're off to Rochester NY to visit with Pete's new grandson, born on April 8th, which will give me my baby fix for awhile....and then, on Mothers' Day weekend, I'll be off to Ocean City Maryland with my friend Barbara, to attend the annual SunFest Arts & Crafts show. We go every year, and usually have a great time. It's a tourist trap, sure, but it's sunny and warm usually, right on the ocean...so I'm all for it!! I usually end up getting something cool, like last time we went, I found some warped Journey albums that are wall hangings...they look like bowls almost, wavy bowls...I don't know how the guy made 'em, but he's got purses and all kinds of other stuff made out of records like that....if he's there this year, I may have to pick up another one!! YAY for Journey junk!! It still makes me happy!! (But I can't for the LIFE of me, find an ELMO FRISBEE....if anybody out there knows where to get one, let me know!! It's like the holy grail of all Journey junk, and I've just GOT to have one!!) hehehehe I'm pathetic!! haha

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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