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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

P.S. Oh my GAWD....

I keep forgetting to write about this, but last week I saw a commercial on t.v. for AT&T, and the song ANYWAY YOU WANT IT was in the commercial!! I nearly fell off the couch!!  I never thought in a million YEARS that the boys in Journey would sell-out like that....sigh....I guess maybe Neal is planning another divorce with alimony or something, he needed some cash...that poor schmuck has rotten luck with women.  Anyway, that was pretty cool I guess, because every time that commercial comes on, I get a twinge of YAY in my bod, and I think to myself, "Steve Perry gets a little CHA-CHING for that!"  And it makes me smile. God I love that man.

But please, fellas, please, I implore you with all my heart & soul....if you're gonna sell out, then definitely go after AT&T or Apple Computers or something huge....but PLEASE do NOT allow Mariah "bleeding ears" Carey sing another song of yours....good LORD, her version of Open Arms SUCKED BALLS. I'm still coughing up hairballs from hearing that godawful mess.

Love, Becky

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