Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ahhhhh peace and quiet again!!

AHHHHHH...the house warming party and chaos is now officially over, thank GAWD......what an exhausting weekend.  We had 25 adults and 4 kids show up, tons of food, (thankfully they ate it all), and the neighbors around here are really great!  We learned who built our awesome wrap around deck on the house, and who planted all the landscaping: a Mr. & Mrs. Lozario. Now if I could only LOCATE them, and have them come BACK and work on trimming all this stuff, THAT would be something. (I have no green thumbs whatsoever, so it might all just wilt and die).

Anyway, Pete's mom pulled a really good one on everybody----she has been staying with us for a week, and enjoyed the party---she even baked all the chocolate chip cookies herself!! This woman is 88 years old, and still going strong I tell ya. Today, she washed the dishes!! I couldn't believe it. I can only hope I'm still as spry as she is when I get to 88....IF I ever get to 88.....good LORD I don't ever want to be 88....okay, scratch that idea....nevermind.

Pete drove her all the way to Allentown where her nursing home is, and keep in mind, she LOATHES that place with a red-hot-fiery-passion, unbridled.  So, as they pull into the parking lot, she says, for the 5th time, "I think I'm going to tell them that I want to stay with my family a little longer...say, 2 more weeks?"  And so Pete just went with it, and said, "SURE!" and they got her medications, and grabbed her cats, and turned right back around to come back here!! They were in the car for 10 hours...now, for anybody, that's a long damned ride...but for an 88 year old woman, holy CRAP that's harsh.  But, she is a trooper, and she is happy as a lark now. 

I had joked with Pete, telling him that I planned to buy "bon-bons" and sit on my fat carcass all day long to eat them while watching my favorite shows on HGTV, but nooooo, I had to clean up the mess from the party, straighten the house a bit, then go to the grocery store to buy all sorts of groceries and cat supplies, (because neither of them thought to bring the cats' litter box, or food, or anything), and so I was running around ragged all day while they were driving.  But, like I said, his mom is happy as a clam right now, and I think she will decide to move in with us soon. We are not putting any pressure on her, but I think she's leaning in that direction. She loves this house and the freedom we give her, so compared to a death-sentence in a nursing home, she's all for it.  

There's even an "adult day care" place near us, that we toured today. If I am working full time at a temp job, like I intend to be doing soon again, (at the Urban League), and if Pete's son gets the job that he's waiting to hear back from soon, she may have to go spend a day or two at this place.  Basically, you drop off the person in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon, they get fed, they do crafts, they have Bible study classes, go on field trips, have pet therapy, group activities, games, etc., all day long.  It's kinda cool if you ask me. She liked it too, especially when she found out that she would no longer be spending $3,000 a month at the nursing home. This place is less than HALF that amount, if she were to go there 5 days a week. 

So, life is changing around here. We've got 2 cats, Obie, and Omaya, who stay in Florence's bedroom.  My dog, Sassy, is going insane.  But, we are slowly introducing them to each other, and trying to avoid the cat's hissing every time she comes near them.  My nephew, when he was only 8 years old, picked up his cat and threw it at my dog, (who was just a puppy then), yelling, "HERE, GO BE FRIENDS!" so my sister's cat attacked my dog, and she nearly died from the scratches and bites, (5 days and nights at the vet hospital, I was so scared)....so I don't feel comfortable just letting her go barreling towards them without some supervision. They are very sweet cats though, so I like having them around. Eventually they will be let out to roam the house, but we'll work up to that.

Anyway, my book is in the works to be published...I'll keep you all posted on when it's happening. I am HOPING that it will be ready to get out into your hands by the time it's Anne Frank's birthday, June 12th.  That is my goal at least.  We'll see how it goes.  I have to do some rewriting, but I think it's pretty much a done deal. Pete wants me to beef up my mention of the web site I created for kids, www.Tolerance4Kids.com, but I haven't worked on that thing in years. I created it when I was in my early 30's....I don't even remember how to do that stuff anymore, I will have to relearn everything in order to update it, but that is the one thing I am proud to say I came away from the Museum with, as my "baby."  My copyrighted creation, so the Museum can never do a web site for young kids, without my permission!! hehehehehe (Hmmm, I wonder if THAT is why they won't rehire me).  Mmmm, could be.

Sometimes I can be a thorn in the side of authority figures. I was called a 'rabble rouser.' I mean, hey, I brought it to all sorts of Execs at that place, on a silver platter. They didn't want to deal with it, so I said to my (then) boss, "You've got 2 choices. Either I get somebody in this stupid damned museum to give me the green light on this project and help me DO IT, or, I'll just go ahead and do it with or without this museum, and copyright it so that nobody here can ever do one without my permission. Pick one."  He said, "Umm....probably just go ahead and do it on your own."  So, that's what I did.  They copied my ideas, of course, and made a web site for HIGH SCHOOL aged kids, but if they ever want to do one for younger kids, they can't. HA!!! 

AHEM.....well, that's all the news for now. I'm off to sleep. 

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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