Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Washington DC Cherry Blossom Festival


I lived in DC for 10 years, and this is my most favorite time of year because of the cherry blossoms. They are gorgeous, and I highly recommend going to see them if you never have. It's almost magical, walking around with pink and white trees everywhere...like a fantasy world, and the petals fall like snow all around---pink snow everywhere---it's truly surreal and amazing!

Last year I brought my dog Sassy there, and walked around taking pictures of the two of us together, surrounded by pink trees...the pics turned out great. I'll have to add some here soon.

Pete and I might drive down to DC this weekend to see them, he's never been there during this time of year so that might be nice. We'll see, it depends on the weather. He says he wants to celebrate my birthday for a whole week---he's insane---I say MEH, it's one lousy day of the year, let it go, get it overwith and move on, don't drag it out!! Men really don't understand why women don't like getting older, do they?! I told him I'm going back to being 39 this time, dang it.

Lately I have been obsessing over Mrs. Beasley. I don't know why. A few months ago, I had this chick's face in my head---some child actor from the 1970's, I couldn't remember her name or anything, but she kept popping into my head out of nowhere, and I finally went on a google search to figure out who the hells she was. Turned out to be Pamelyn Ferdin, and so I found her web site and wrote her an email. She wrote back too. I get weirdly obsessive about certain things like that, I don't know why. Same thing happened back in 1993 when I wrote to Drew Carey, and he wrote me back too. Weird. Anyway, so lately it's been Mrs. Beasley. I used to have that doll when I was a kid, and I loved "Family Affair," watched it all the time. But, silly me, one day I put the doll in the bin on the bottom of the stove, as her bed...not realizing that my mom would be cooking her later in the evening, by mistake. (I wonder if that's why I became so obsessed with Holocaust stuff???) Good Lord that thought gives me the creeps. Hmmmm...I do remember being very upset about it, but I never got another one to replace her. So, Pete looked on ebay, and would you believe they are nearly $200 bucks now?!! That's just CRAZY!! So, I told him to print out a photo of the doll and put it in a frame for me, for my birthday present. Good enough!! Or, he could just take me out for a nice dinner and movie. That would be great!

We had our first fight in our new house the other night--it was quite a doozy. I very nearly clawed his eyeballs out of his head, the poor schnook. But, luckily for him, I'm dysfunctional as hell and instead, I just internalize my rage, and take it out on myself. LOL I've been eating candy bars from the vending machine down the hall at work every day, ever since. THAT'LL TEACH HIM!! (sigh) We were planning to go camping again this year, like we did last year when we met, but because of our fight, he's cancelled our reservations now, so I guess we won't be going. We did manage to kiss and make up though, so he might change his mind and re-register us, we're still discussing the pro's and con's of going.

He's determined to have everything unpacked and ready to have a housewarming party on April 18th. We'll see if that happens or not. I suspect we'll still have boxes galore still waiting to be unpacked in the garage!! hehehe But I like that he's ambitious like that. *wink*

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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