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Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny FARK photo...

HA!! I remember them!! The quote with the photo was, "Won't SOMEBODY please think about the Sleestaks?!" (making fun of others who say "won't somebody think about the children.") hehehehehehehe Somebody else posted photos of women wearing huge ugly sunglasses, and compared it to this photo...hehehe...I don't like huge ugly bug-eye glasses myself. I like my weirdly square "can't read a thing without 'em" glasses personally.
But hey, that's just me.
And furthermore, I think about the Sleestaks every day. But that's because I'm weird. So nyah.
I also read FARK.com every day, just for shits and giggles. Keeps me outta jail don'tchaknow.
Have a nice weekend folks...Pete and I probably won't go to DC because it's supposed to rain all weekend long. No fun looking at pink trees in the rain.
Love, Becky

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