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Friday, April 3, 2009

YAY for Iowa...

Now, ya'll know I don't often write opinions on this blog, but I couldn't resist this one..

HEH!! This was on FARK.com today, and cracked me up. Protect THAT?! Gimme a break. (I love being single, and I think I'll stay that way thankyouverymuch). Especially if that is the only other alternative. BLEAH. I like THIS photo much much better...

Now, if you sit and think about California and how "progressive" and "liberal" the people who live there are stereotypically portrayed, and then if you think about IOWA...well...you'd probably see a big difference there, jumping to the conclusion that Iowa people are much more religious and conservative, etc......but NOOOOOO!!! YOU WOULD BE WRONG!!!

Ya know why?! Because Iowa just passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage!! WOO HOO!! YAY IOWA!! Came outta nowhere and BAM!! Right in your face!! Some people are joking and calling Iowa the CORN HOLE STATE now, but ya know, I gotta hand it to 'em for taking the right stance on this issue. I mean, who the hell are WE to sit there and say "they can't get married?" WHY THE HELL CAN'T THEY?
I say, LOVE IS LOVE, a HOLE IS A HOLE, a TONGUE IS A TONGUE, and if you had a blindfold on, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a man's tongue or a woman's tongue, whether it's in a hole or somewhere else....so just shut the f@#$%k up, get over your closed-minded homophobic idiocy, sit back, relax, and just enjoy. The world needs more love, no matter what. I think we can ALL agree on THAT.

So, take THAT, California. I am all for same-sex marriage. In fact, the guys we are now renting our new house from are gay, and they adopted a little girl. AND, our neighbors are two lesbians who adopted a little boy. I am very happy for all of them, and I hope that other states will follow suit. Here's one of my favorite quotes, and it goes for everybody: "If you want to trade the admiration of many for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married." ---Katherine Hepburn.

And so I remain single. *sticking tongue out and wiggling it at the world*

Love, Becky

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