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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Exhausted and hating cats...but enjoy the photos...


This is a photo of Pete and his mom, Florence, standing on our deck in front of our huge pink flowered tree.  Florence LOVES this tree!!  (Ain't she cute?!)  She's been living with us since mid-April, and loving every minute of it!!  I have taken a ton of pictures of her, doing things around the house, like washing dishes, baking cookies, making crafts, reading the paper, etc., and she even took the leaf blower last week and removed the leaves from the deck with it!  I wish I would have gotten a picture of THAT, she was a natural at it, and she loved it too!  For 88 years old, this woman gets around GREAT and loves to keep busy!

Here's Sassy, with Florence and I together, on the couch in the living room.  Sassy just loves Florence, they get along great!  Of course, I had to wear a Journey t-shirt...(did I mention that Pete just bought us tickets to go see Journey in Ohio at the end of August)?! YAY!!  Anyway, Flo-Flo and I get along like two peas in a pod, we do.   She's great!

Here's Florence with her brand new great-grandbaby, Cameron Alexander.  He was born on April 8th, and we visited last month to see him for the first time.  He's a sweetie! I got my annual baby-fix, so I'm good for awhile....don't need one of those things myself, thank you.

Florence especially loves my glider swing on the front porch, she sits outside a lot to watch and hear the birds, and squirrels roam about.  She decided herself that she would be in charge of taking care of the deck while she lives here with us, so she's going to keep it swept, and the tables washed, and she wants to plant some flowers in the flower pots.  She loves it, so I let her go wild!!  This is her daily project, contributing to the household chores, and she is thrilled!

And here is  a photo of Florence with her cat, Obie...short for Obediah...this is the one who is currently MISSING outside, we just can't seem to get him to come back in the house right now, and he's been out there for a whole night and day now.  She's got 2 cats, but Obie is her favorite. We've been walking around calling him all day long, and shaking his food dish, and he's peeked at us from afar here and there, but won't come too close, every time we think we've got him, he takes off running in the opposite direction.  GRRRRRR.

Okay, so Pete and I spent the weekend traveling 4 hours (one-way) to Allentown PA to the nursing home where Florence has just vacated...we had to pack up all of her belongings and rent a moving truck, and then drive back the next afternoon.  Needless to say, it was NOT a very fun weekend, but it was productive.  Did you know that nursing homes are HOT inside?!  I mean friggin' ROASTING at like, 80 degrees, everywhere.  I don't know how those people can STAND IT, it's so hot in there.  That nursing home really depressed the hell outta me.  The people there just sit around in wheelchairs, alone, doing nothing all day long.  Very few people who work there even bother to talk to them, nobody really interacts with them at all, they just sit there bored to death all day long, and it breaks my heart.  I am just wayyyyyyyy too empathic to work in such a place, I think. I could never do it. I'd be wanting to wake them up out of their over-medicated stupors, and get them busy and active again......I don't know how anybody can just let their loved ones waste away in a home like that. 

And then we returned late last night only to discover that, somehow, the two cats that Florence keep locked up in her bedroom most of the time, GOT OUTSIDE.  They are both indoor cats, so I don't know how the hell they snuck past us, but apparently they did, and we have only been able to find one, (Amaya), who is now safe and sound back in the house. 

The other one, Obie, still remains outside, lost.  So of course Florence is inconsolable, and she kept getting up last night, several times, until 3:00 a.m. as a matter of fact, going outside on the deck in the DARK by herself, calling out for the damned CAT, which kept waking ME up, running down the stairs to go get her so that she wouldn't fall and hurt herself, and I was alarmed and stressed out the whole night, and then DAMMIT if she didn't fall to her knees this morning on the deck (she tripped), but I was there to get her up right away, thankfully.  She had only had a few hours of sleep the whole night.....so I made her go back inside, take a nice hot soak in the bath tub, then I washed her hair, and let her go take a long nap.  But, needless to say, I'm exhausted, and it's been a hellacious day. All because of a rotten damned CAT.

I'm hating the cat for this.  I really am.  Stupid cat.  I even got my hands on him once, grabbed hold of him, only to have him squirm, twist, and hiss at me---I thought the damned thing was going to bite my face off, so I let him go.  He was hiding underneath our deck.  Pete's son, Nathan, was awakened by me at 8:30 a.m. when I found the cat under there, and he actually crawled underneath the deck to find the cat, only to discover some areas are "un-crawl-able." He couldn't fit very far under there.  (The boy is 6'4" tall and 300 lbs).

So, we STILL don't know where the cat is, but apparently he's done this type of thing before. He has pretty much stuck around the house, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack.  Nathan plans to mow the lawn tomorrow morning, so that should scare the dickens out of the cat, and we plan on propping the front door open in case he runs inside to escape the noise.  

We were even going to take Obie to the PetSmart tomorrow to get a rabies shot, so that we could bring him back in a few days to get groomed.  GRRRR.  But, maybe that's why he ran away, who knows.  

Well anyway, here are some recent photos that Pete finally got off the camera for me.  I need some booze, that's all I'm sayin'.  Time for me to go to bed. 

I'll add more photos tomorrow, if I have time.  Bye for now.

Love, Becky

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