Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh my aching BACK

So what the heck did I DO to myself in Ocean City, to wake up every day since then with an aching back? I mean I can barely MOVE when I wake up, and I've been wide awake at 3:30 a.m. the past few nights, trying to figure out how to sit or lay without pain....I do know that when I went to Ocean City, we walked a lot, sure, I figured that was great exercise---but come ON, I'm not THAT out of shape or old yet, GEEZ!!!  

I hit 41 and suddenly I am going through some physical issues that I've never had before. DRAT!!  I'm going to a doctor on Tuesday though, so hopefully I'll have some answer to what the problem is. A month ago, my right knee was giving me problems, but I think that's from walking up and down stairs all the time in this new house, and running around the yard playing with the dog a lot too. A few hot soaks in the tub and wrapping it with some gauze seemed to make that swelling go away, and it's been fine every since. But now THIS?! 


So in the morning, I wake up near tears, feeling sharp pains all around my upper back, so I stand up, my back facing Pete's front, I wrap my arms around my shoulders in a hug, put my head down, and Pete then lifts me up and shakes me a bit, and that's when I hear SNAP CRACKLE POP and then my back feels better for awhile.  I probably need a chiropractor. Or, better yet, maybe I should just get some DRUGS and call it a day. Hmmmm.

I just got hooked up on Facebook with some friends from college, and WOW that brings back some fun memories. I graduated in 1992 so that's been awhile ago. Fat lotta good an English major got me though...they promised me, "Oh you can do ANYTHING with that major..." but they LIED.  My resume has gotten me nowhere, especially here in Pittsburgh.  The only job that I really loved was at the Museum.  Other than that, can you say, "ZILCH?"

But okay, so I'm staying home all the time now, it was decided that I should stay home full time with Pete's mom.  She had a bit of a fall the other night, and scared us both, but she was fine. She did get a bruise or two, but tomorrow we're taking her to the doctor also.  I don't know if I'm happy or not about not working.  Being a full time nurse maid is work too ya know. I just hope I don't go stir crazy around here all day, every day. I'm just not a housewife type of chick.

I'll have to add some old photos from college here, just for fun. Pete finally found the thing that hooks up to take photos off his digital camera, so I can work on adding lots of pictures soon.

Bye for now. Love, your favorite 40-something cripple,


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