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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some good news, some bad news....

Good news: We got our tickets for the Journey concert in August!! YAY!! Can't wait to see them again!! We're going to the show in Ohio on August 28th, it should be pretty fun.

Bad news:

I just learned from my new doctor that I have:

1. Mild scoliosis in my spine, so it curves. (Big boobs apparently cause a person to become a hunchback later in life). Aint' life grand? I've been waking up with severe pain in my back for 2 weeks now, to the point of tears, and I'm eating Ibuprofin like candy. She is going to refer me to an orthopedic surgeon to take a closer look, and get me started on some physical therapy too.

2. My diabetes is too high. The past 3 months, it's been in the 200-300 range, so she's increasing my dosage of Metformin, from 500 mg. per day to 1000 mg per day. (I have also gained 30 pounds this past year).

3. Also, I have tested positive for Factor Five hemoglobin, which means I am susceptible to getting blood clots very easily, like my sister and mom both are. Fun fun. I don't really know what can be done about this, but it freaks me out just the same. I feel like I have creepy crawly bugs all over me now. Thanks doc.

So, there ya go. I'm 41 years old and falling apart by the day. I'm going to go hide in a corner and cry now.

We are going to be out of town tomorrow through Saturday, up in Rochester NY to get some of Florence's belongings from her home there. She's getting ready to put it up for sale soon.

Love, Becky ps. But even if I have to go in a wheelchair, I'm STILL going to the Journey concert dammit!!

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