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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Deen Castronovo, current drummer for Journey, was hospitalized for observation following a heart issue. He is fine enough to play tomorrow.


This was a Twitter message I received earlier this evening; I hope Deen will be okay. I don't know much about the guy, other than he's a good lookin' schmo and younger than most of the other members of Journey...I do hope he'll be okay and can get back to what he does best soon.

Pete is taking me to Ohio in August to see Journey in concert...I haven't seen them since Steve Augeri was the lead singer, and after a few times of that, I kinda just gave up on the whole band. My friend Roy in England calls them the "Kareoke Dinosaur Band that he used to love." He feels that there have been too many lead singers, and he wants Steve Perry back!!

(So do I). But, Steve Perry is too busy sitting around on his butt doing nothing I guess---the poop.

Well, I do wish Deen all the best, get back to drummin' and get well soon. Journey still rocks!!

Love, Becky

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