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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nesse Godin interview

This is a link to an interview given by my favorite Holocaust Survivor, and volunteer at the Holocaust Museum in DC. I used to work with Nesse all the time, and I love her very much. She would give me huge bear hugs and call me her "daughter," because she said I looked very much like "her Rochelle." She is 81 years old now, but when I worked at the Museum, at age 73, she went back to high school to earn her GED, which was something she had always wanted to achieve after the Holocaust ended. After getting married to Jack and having several kids and grandchildren, she finally found the time to do it. "Never too old to achieve a goal," she said.

She inspires me every day. I love her very much.

Love, Becky ps. I am now reeling from the train crash yesterday in DC, I used to ride those metro trains every day to work, but luckily I never rode on the red line, just the orange line mostly.

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