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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

Just wanted to wish everybody a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

Pete's daughter Sybil and her husband Justin are here visiting from Rochester NY along with their friend Andrew, and they'll be here until Wednesday. These 20-something's all gave me blank looks when I said that the death of Michael Jackson reminded me of when Elvis died...I don't think any of them even knew who Elvis WAS. That made me feel super old. SIGH.

Of course, Nate is also here and his friend Matt came over too, so we've got a bunch of kids in the basement, living it up and eating us out of house and home. I swear they are eating machines.

Tonight we drove to a nearby town to watch fireworks, after having a nice relaxing cookout with lots of food. Of course, that did not deter them from wanting to eat again while we were there, so a trip to the nearby Wendy's was in order. (GADZOOKS).

Tomorrow we are going to Kennywood amusement park. I may just spring a surprise on these gnoshing ninnies and pack some sandwiches, instead of paying $10 for a burger while we're there. HA! That will totally warp their minds, I mean OH MY GAWD BECKY, you brought homemade food in a cooler?! You must be joking! hehehe Yeah, like totally tubular y'know?

Ahhhhh my youth is so gone. I mourn it daily.

Weird thing is, I still remember the lyrics to just about every damned 80's song I hear. I really LOATHED the music of the 80's when I was actually there living it, I couldn't stand Madonna, I hated the B-52's with a red-hot-fiery-passion-unbridled, and anything Boy George did made me gag myself with a spoon. I hated Wham, and George Michael, I couldn't stand Rick Astley, and who the HELL had the idea for Milly Vanilly in the first place? Good Lord. The only GOOD music to come out of the 80's was the big-hair rocker bands, in my humble but opinionated opinion. SNIFF. I mean COME ON, need I say more, when I say DEF LEPPARD?! YESSSSS!! And of course, JOURNEY....nuff said there too. Michael Jackson & Prince were THE KINGS of good music then too, if you ask me. They're stuff is timeless. I loved Foreigner, Styx, REO Speedwagon, Boston, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, Richard Marx....(still do)....

But anyway, so my youth is gone but the music lives on. But I digress.

Senility must already be setting in. Oh what rapture, what joy growing old is.

I hear fireworks in the distance. The best fireworks EVER in the whole entire universe, are the ones shown in Washington DC, right above the Washington Monument. They are spectacular! I'm going to drag Pete there next year, because once he sees THOSE, he'll never want to go anywhere else. They are THAT GOOD. Last year we missed the fireworks because he was performing in a play and it ended too late. This fall he's going to be in the play "Little Shop of Horrors" for Halloween. Not sure yet what part he'll play, but he hopes it'll be the plant.

Well, that's all for now. Oh, by the way, Pete took me to go look at ENGAGEMENT RINGS last weekend, and now he's got me buying Bridal magazines....good god in heaven....I feel like running fast, to anywhere. But, okay, I just take deep breaths....and now I'm perusing places on the internet that might be interesting to have a wedding at someday. ACK!! Can you imagine THAT?!! I mean, ME, we're talking about ME here folks....you all know me....I've avoided marriage for FOURTY ONE YEARS....and that's because I've yet to see a good one that actually lasts.

I mean, all my life I was going to be the chronically single female, struggling through everything in life, working hard on a lifetime career, throwing my hat in the air like Mary Tyler Moore, planning bad dinner parties and working somewhere with weird people....ya know?! That was my whole plan, all my life. A nice little house or condo of my own, living with my dog, that's IT. That was my plan all along. I laughed at everyone around me who kept getting married, saying "That won't ever happen to ME, you dumb bastards, HA!! You're all SUCKERS!!" But here I am, looking at Bridal magazines and talking about rings......holy bejeezus, I don't know what has come over me. I must have really lost my friggin' mind.

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the fireworks and stay safe and happy this 4th of July!!

Love, Becky (the single woman, for as long as I possibly can be).

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