Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our fun day at Kennywood!

Here are some fun pictures of our day at Kennywood Amusement park yesterday. We brought Pete's daughter Sybil and her husband Justin and their friend Andrew along with us. Everyone had a blast! But I learned I cannot eat corn dogs, french fries & ice cream BEFORE going on crazy wild rides...noooooooo....can't do it....not anymore.....I turned green at one point!! So, the carousel was more my speed after lunch, so here we are, riding together...Pete and me!!

And here's a close-up shot of the two of us together on the carousel...how sappy!! hehehe

Here's a photo of Pete's son-in-law Justin and his daughter Sybil together, having fun...

And here is their friend Andrew...

And here's Justin with Andrew on a scary ride that I would have NO PART OF thankyouverymuch....

Then Pete decided he would give me a choice: either we go skydiving soon (something he's always wanted to do), or I could go with him on this thing called the SKYCOASTER. Now, keep in mind, I have vertigo (which means I get dizzy a lot) and I am also afraid of heights...I said, "If I have to choose, I'll just go on this ride then, because there's no way I'm jumping out of a plane!" So, I chose the lesser of two evils. Here we are, in our harnesses, getting ready to be hoisted up 180 feet in the air, and dropped like a bungee jump.....egad what have I done....

Pete was trying to reassure me that we'd be just fine riding this thing, but then his daughter asked me how I felt about it, and my response was a "Calvin & Hobbes" face, below...and of course, Pete looks all confident about it, but I'm scared to death...

And then they take us to this platform, which raised us up high to be hooked to the line on this huge 180 foot tower above....I'm looking down at the 3 feet of water below us, with people in paddle boats all around, and I'm thinking, "Those baby ducks will be smooshed flat if my fat ass breaks this thing and I plunge to my death..."

Then they hook up your harnesses to this line and make you lay on your stomach...talk about suspension play....good lord....at this point Pete says, "Oh by the way, because I have an artificial hip, I can't jump out of a plane anymore because I won't be able to land without breaking something." This is me, wanting to claw his eyeballs out of his head...I was DUPED!!

And away we go....I yelled to the guy below, "Can I have a PUKE BAG just in case?!" But they all just laughed at me....I was SERIOUS dammit!! AAAUUUGGGHHHH!!!

We were hoisted up to the tip top of the tower, and over a loud speaker one of the workers below yells "3-2-1, GO!" and Pete unhooked the lever that dropped us down through the air like Superman....back and forth we flew....the whole time I screamed bloody murder....in fact, I screamed "I'm going to KILL YOUUUUU!!" to Pete, while he laughed like a hyena the whole time....Sybil (safely on the ground taking pictures and video footage of this) said everybody around her laughed at me for screaming so loud the whole time....

And this photo is of me, nearly passed out afterwards...GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!! I am happy to report that I did not need a puke bag after all. But still I say GET ME OUTTA HERE! And so, we are eventually lowered to the platform again and allowed to kiss the ground of safety...egad...the things we women go through just to please our men...

Do you see my FACE?! I believe I was turning a nice shade of GREEN at this point....

Ahhhhh, back on solid ground again, haleluyah!! Now I can cause Pete some bodily harm for what he made me do!! Let those other suckers behind us go next!! I turned and said, "Don't do it! I heard something grind and snap up there...seriously...!" hehehehehehe Just cuz I like to mess with people. It's too easy sometimes, but it's fun to do anyway!!

And this is me, telling Pete, "You're a dead man." He just giggled and said I'm "the best." I told him never to forget that. And where's my ring?! Hmmm?!! I think I deserve one after THIS!!

And after a few more rides, we decided to call it a day. Here's the Kennywood sign on the way out of the park. We had been there since before noon and it was nearly 9 p.m. when we left!

After the park, we drove the kids to the Duquesne Incline, which is a trolley car that goes uphill to the top of the city and you can look down in a panoramic view of the entire view of Pittsburgh. Great photos from that vantage point. There's a museum up there too, telling the history of the trolley. Steel workers used to ride it back and forth to work every day. It's the only one left working, and it's been there since the early 1800's. Very cool piece of history!

All in all, we had a very fun but tiring day. We ate too much junk, we laughed a lot, we loved the round river tube ride and got soaked to the bone, but it was hilarious. A very fun day for all.

Love, Becky ps. But I will NEVER BUNGEE JUMP or SKYDIVE again, no way Jose!!

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