Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Music for the wedding??

This is NOT what I had in mind when I started thinking about music for our wedding...I am no Jethro Tull, my friends. I don't mind tootin' on the flute from time to time, but I can't even afford to pay myself what I'm really worth...hehehehe....(GRIN). So, it's back to the drawing board...

But okay, the steel drum duo that we had originally thought of is going to cost a pretty penny, so now we're rethinking the whole idea. I say, just burn some CD mix music and call it a day, but we're thinking about a DJ or something. I don't know. I like the idea of a steel drum duo, but wow, they don't come cheap. What a dilemma.

The t-shirt shop also called me back to say that it would cost $8 bucks EACH for 100 Gilligan hats, and I said, "Uhhh, I don't think so." We just want NOVELTY hats to give out as souvenirs, not the super fancy ones. Back to the Oriental Trading Company I go. The search continues. We want the hats to say, "Three Hour Tour?" on the front, and "Pete & Rebecca, 07/18/10" on the back, which would be kinda cute...but not if it's going to cost an arm and a leg.

How the heck do these vendors think newly married people can go have a HONEYMOON with outrageous prices like these for the wedding?!! I mean come ON people, let's get our priorities straight here...the HONEYMOON is more fun and meaningful than the rest of all that hooey!! At least, it should be, dang it.

My pseudo-mom, Melva June, wrote to me with some very nice advice about staying married and working on the relationship. She's been married to her husband Tom for 45 years, and has been with him for 51 years total so far...it's pretty amazing. She's 66 years old, and still full of spice and feisty fun, and she often gives me good advice about stuff like this. I asked her if her brother Kevin (Chalfant) would sing at our wedding, but right now he's got a bad lung infection from breathing in mold spores at his mother's house that was damaged by water. So he's not in any condition to sing or do much of anything right now, so I can't really ask him yet. I kinda doubt he would do a wedding, that seems to be the kiss of death for most singers for some reason, it's like the lowest possible thing they could ever do...I've hung out with musicians and performers most of my life, so I know these things...so I sincerely doubt he would do it. But, hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Doesn't hurt to ask. Hope it doesn't insult him!!

Anyway, despite her battle with cancer, Melva said she would try her best to make it to the wedding, so I'm rooting for her to get better before then. I pray for her all the time. She's been there for me through lots of changes in my life, and has always offered me great advice and motherly love, so for that I'm forever in her debt. She's like my "mom away from mom."

Well, the brides maid dress pattern has been found and approved by me, so it's just a matter of getting the fabric and making them. I think they will look very elegant, and simple, and nice on all the girls, so I'm happy with it. I have no clue about the shoes they should wear though, and don't even ASK me yet about hair styles either...I'm growing my hair longer between now and then, just to see if there is an "up-do" that I might be able to get styled, but if not, I'll get it cut nice before the wedding and just deal with it. I really don't have a preference, but I've never had my hair super long before, so I figure I might as well try to grow it. Trouble is, it is so thin that the longer it grows, the thinner it looks, and lifeless without much volume. BLEAH.

Meanwhile, my liver ultrasound discovered that I have a FATTY LIVER in my gut, which means I have to lose weight ASAP to get rid of it. So, now I'm doomed to the diet forever more. I'd love to be 80 or more pounds thinner by the time the wedding happens, sure, but how realistic is that...knowing I have a sweet tooth, I'm an ice-cream aholic, and I loves me those carbs?! Dammit to HELL this is not FAIR....I hate being diabetic, I really do. I just need to exercise more, but I lack the motivation really to do it often enough. SIGH. I need a miracle drug!!

So anyway, it's back to the glue gun. I've made the bridal party table centerpiece, the bird cage that will hold cards near the gift table, and I just keep plugging away at the utensil holders and the centerpieces for the guest tables, and whatever else I can possibly get done before Labor Day. We'll be gone that weekend to Rochester NY with Pete's mom, so I want to get stuff done before then so I don't have to worry about it for a week while we're there. I want to just relax.

Okay, well, it's back to the glue gun. Bye for now!!

Love, your favorite flute tooter extraordinaire,


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