Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

We've found the place to have our cake made...I know it may sound weird, but after comparing prices at various local bakeries in this area, (which range between $2 and $2.50 per person), we decided instead to go the cheap route, and have Sam's Club do it. They charge $12.34 for a 10 inch cake, and they give you three of them, so for $37 bucks, we've got enough cake to feed 50+ people, PLUS the coconut cream pies we'll have, and possibly some other dessert along with all that. The cool part is, we can have three different types of cake, like the top one could be chocolate, the middle one could be carrot cake, and the other one could be marble or coconut or whatever. I like red velvet cake too, so that's an option to consider. I didn't ask if they would do a pineapple upside down cake, but that would be very cool too. The only bummer is, they don't do fillings. But hey, if it means 1/3 of the price of other bakeries, we're all for it!! Who cares!! Cake is cake!!

Anyway, so now my Matron of Honor, Laurie, (who has been my best friend since I was 15), decided to take a trip to the JoAnn Fabrics in Muskegon Michigan (my hometown), and she found the perfect fabric for her mother to MAKE the brides-maid dresses herself!! Her mom is very talented like that, and she also has a best friend named Bonnie who is a seamstress, so between the two of them, they are going to make all five of the dresses (including the Flower Girl---Laurie's 11 year old daughter, Ember---OR if she'd rather be a Junior Bridesmaid, that's ok too). So, they found cream satin and see-through coral organza fabric, and two patterns that I'll go take a look at this week to see what style she chose, and if I like them or not. She claims that it will be cheaper and better tailored, and won't need alterations if they are made by her mom, so that works for me!! I'm all for it!! I wish I knew how to sew...but my version would be an iron-on "Stitch Witchery" tank top sack dress, with two pieces of fabric cut the exact same, and hot glue some lace somewhere, and TAH DAHHHH....(and watch them fall apart during the ceremony while Pete's mother faints from all the nakedness going on).....yeahhhh, noooo. Ahem....so I really do think it's better if I don't make them myself, I'll leave that to the people who know what the heck they are doing!!

So let's see....at this rate, with all these things I've been doing, I think we could be ready for this shin-dig to happen by November!! hehehehe

Today I traveled to a cake decorating store, and I found the COOLEST THING EVER, which is a plastic man laying in a HAMMOCK...with two PALM TREES as the poles to hold it up....so of course I had to get TWO of them, one for Gilligan on top, and one for the Skipper on the bottom!! And so now my "Diorama" will soon be created to be the inside of their HUT!! hehehehehehehehehe I'm just tickled to death by that. I know it's silly, but it's the little things in life that give us the most pleasure, don'tchaknow. I was giddy when I found those little men. THEN I found plastic PALM TREES, and I grabbed a whole bunch of 'em. VICTORY IS MINE!!

I've been wracking my brain all week trying to figure out how the heck to make a Diorama of Gilligan's Island, should I get a plastic white boat, slam a hole in it, paint "SS Minnow" on it, and paint the cardboard base blue and put plastic water over it, and some green moss for an island with some Foamy green and brown palm trees? How lame would THAT look?! I couldn't even FIND a stupid plastic boat at the dollar store, OR at Toys R Us...unbelievable.

So, these two guys in hammocks will work just fine!! And I found a hut-like bird house at the Michael's craft store, too! Then I found the green moss and some raffia to make the "hut" wall around them, and TAH DAHHHH, now I have a scene from the show, along with a photograph of that very scene, with Gilligan laying on the top hammock and the Skipper underneath him. I mean, how cool is THAT?! I just love it when stuff like that comes together.

Ah well. I told Pete this kind of project-oriented stuff keeps me happy, and out of jail, so he'd better be happy I'm not going to the brand new casino that is opening in a couple weeks!!!

So, that's the latest scoop in my life of poop. LOL (I used to say that all the time, when my life really WAS a lotta poop). But now, it seems to be getting a lot better, and more fun too! Of course, like going to camp every summer, once this shin-dig is over, I'll have "camp drop," or the "post-mortem depression" of not having anything to do.....sighhhh....but until then, I'm still going strong....

Today I made the unity candle and the two tapers that go with it, (decorated with ribbon, tulle and a couple tiny orange flowers in the center), I've been working on the centerpieces, and I decorated the newly painted bird cage that all the cards will be put in next to the gift table. I also made the glass hurricane flower centerpiece that will most likely go on the bridal party table. Oh!! And, I found small wooden captain's wheels that I will glue a photo of every person's face in the bridal party onto, just like on the Gilligan t.v. show beginning credits!! I figured that would be a cute way of having a place setting instead of your typical folded card. Or, I could attach it to the front of their chairs, with ribbon!! Hmmmm...yes, the ideas just keep coming....it's really quite amazing even to ME, just how creative I am sometimes!!

Well, bye for now!!

Love, Becky ps. Pete said half jokingly that I really SHOULD write to Steve Perry and ask him if he'd show up and sing at our wedding. I said, "Do you even HAVE a million dollars to PAY the man for doing that?! He doesn't work CHEAP ya know!! Nooo my friend, you don't, so it ain't-a-gonna-happen." But the idea just appeals to me in a huge way, of course...and Pete said, "Hmm, maybe for a million bucks, he would even walk you down the aisle to give you away..." and I said, "Oh Holy BEJEEZUS, there would BE no walking, I would be a complete mess of a puddle on the floor." I would have to then be mopped up, put in a bucket, and tucked away inside his limousine while nobody else is looking......mmmmuuuuuhahahahahaha.....*wink*

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