Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pete is a good man...

Yes indeed, Pete must have the patience of a SAINT sometimes, because we've been talking about the idea of having me drive home to Michigan for a weekend, just to spend time with my family and friends and have a giggly girl's weekend about the wedding. I've been in a tug-of-war about going, though, part of me says, "Wait until the spring," another part of me wants the giggly girl's time to enjoy together. The back-and-forth indecision of mine has bugged Pete, so, today he surprised me by saying, "Why don't you go to Michigan this weekend, leave this afternoon, and come back on Monday?" And, since we don't have anything going on this weekend, it seems like that will work out to be the best time for me to go.

So, I'm packed, and getting things ready to load the car. I'll be leaving here at 2:00 p.m. or so, and heading straight for my sister Tammy's house. They are going to let me crash on their couch for the weekend. I'll be spending time with them, and my mom, and my nephews, along with my best friend Laurie and her kids. I am also hoping to bring my wedding dress to the seamstress so that she can get busy with the alterations on it. If there's time, and if the weather cooperates, I might also go spend a little time on the beach...mmmm...the beach.....!!!

Anyway, so that's the scoop. Pete is letting me have my getaway weekend, and I'm ready to roll. He'll be compensated for his great patience and generosity, of course. *wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.* My Pete is a good man.

Love, Becky

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