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Friday, August 21, 2009

Michigan trip with family and friends

Yes I made it back to Pittsburgh after a short trip to Michigan last weekend, and it was a very fun time, so I enjoyed it a lot. Here are some pictures for you...
This is Joshua, my 17 year old nephew. He met a girl at band camp and is now in "love." hehehe

This is my other nephew, Mason. He's five years old and going into K-2 this fall...

And here is my mom, with her little dog, Radar:

And of course, here's my best friend Laurie, (and I)...She will be my Matron of Honor. I've got my hair up in a claw clip thing, because it's getting too long and is at that stage where I can't do much of anything with it:
This is my sister Tammy and her husband Steve:

And this is "my kid," Emily...she's Laurie's oldest, 18 years old as a matter of fact, and I was there the day she was born. When she grabbed my pinky finger, I knew she was "my kid."

And this is Emily's younger brother, 12 year old Noah, who LOVES Journey even more than I do, and who will be an usher in the wedding:

When I told him that I'm going to the Journey concert next Wednesday night in Ohio, he squealed and said, "I HATE YOU! I WANT TO GO SO BAD! Get me a t-shirt, and a hat, and some cool sunglasses, okay?!" hehehehehe

And here's Laurie's youngest daughter, Ember, playing with Mason. She will be the Junior Brides Maid at my wedding, and Emily will be a brides maid also. Joshua will be an usher too. I don't know yet if Mason will be in it, but I think he'll just help with putting out the bubbles for guests to blow, and little things like that.

So, there you have it, my family and friends in Michigan last weekend. We all had a fun time swimming in the pool in the backyard, and visiting. I'm glad I was able to go, even for a short time. I took my wedding dress to the seamstress too, and she'll work on it for me until I come back again in the spring to try it on. I hope to lose about 50 pounds by then.

Bye for now! Love, Becky

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