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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Journey concert photos, FINALLY!!

Here are some photos from the Journey concert last week...the first one is of my FRONTIERS album cover purse, that I found at the Ocean City MD Arts and Crafts fair in May 2009...I was the only chick in the whole place carrying one of these, and I got lots of "ooh's" and "ahh's" and "I gotta get one of those," from other chicks walking past me....hehehehehe....all I can say to that is, it's ONE OF A KIND, YOU COPYCAT JOURNEY HAGS, AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!! hehehehehehehehehe

And here is my other Journey 45 record cover, of Open Arms, in purse form...LOVE IT!!
Here's a good one of the NIGHT RANGER set-up, they opened for Journey, and were very good! I hadn't heard most of those songs in YEARS...very cool! We were sitting about 10 rows back from the stage, so most of my pictures turned out pretty well, though I wish I had a zoom lens on this iphone of mine...sighhhh.

Here's a great one of the new lead singer of Journey, Mr. Arnel Pineda!

And here's a VERY RARE ONE of Jonathan Cain, playing harmonica! He typically plays keyboards and piano, sometimes guitar, but in all my years of going to Journey concerts, I have NEVER seen him play the harmonica like that! VERY COOL!! (Wish it weren't so blurry).

And of course, what would a Journey concert BE without Neal Schon showing off??! He's such a ham sometimes, mugging for the camera and trying to be so cool...ya just gotta love him!

Here's a nice group shot, I just wish I could have had a zoom lens or been closer...

Saying goodbye at the end of the show...they only did ONE encore, can you believe that?! They played for 90 minutes, what a bummer...usually they play for 2-3 hours...I guess they're getting too old for all that now...LOL...poor suckers.

And here they are, in all their senior citizen glory, the men of Journey, taking a final bow!

I wonder if Steve Perry sees pictures like this and feels a pang of missing the whole thing? Or, maybe he feels relief that he's not involved anymore? I'd put my money on missing it a bit, but who knows, the guy is retired and has moved on, so more power to him!!

I have lots more pics, but these are the ones I love most. Hope you enjoyed them too! (I even got some video footage of them recorded, so I will try to add that here if I can, sometime soon).

Love, Becky

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