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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Journey & Night Ranger concert!!

Here I am, waiting for the show to begin, with my Journey ticket stub in hand, sitting in the 10th row from the stage! It has been many years since I've seen Journey in concert, the last time they had Steve Augeri as their lead singer and people actually BOO'd and walked OUT... that was at the Constitution Hall in Washington DC, and I think because nobody knew who Augeri was, they were disappointed and angry that it wasn't Steve Perry. The poor guy couldn't hit the high notes very well and forgot some of the lyrics, he was shaken up by it I guess.

But ARNEL PINEDA, now HE blows me away...he gets it...he really gets it...and he FEELS it. He's not just singing lyrics. He feels the emotion BEHIND the lyrics. He was AWESOME!!

And here I am, with my brand new (rather pricey) Journey t-shirt!! I actually got two of them, because I couldn't decide which design I liked better...hehehehe....but $20 for a stupid COFFEE MUG? Come on guys, that's just a royal rip-off. I can MAKE my own coffee mug with a Journey logo for $5 bucks or less...sheesh...gimme a break. I mean, hey, I love my Journey junk, don't get me wrong, but that's just highway robbery if you ask me.

Bad enough the t-shirts were $40 bucks a pop...that's just ridiculous, but what can ya do... they are my BOYS...ya know? I guess I just put one of their kids through college. LOL

Anyway, I've got a bunch of photos of them in concert too, but I will post them later on because right now I'm in the middle of cooking dinner and doing laundry, getting ready for our trip to Rochester New York for Labor Day weekend.

Bye for now!! Love, Becky

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