Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the days are flyin' by

It's already Tuesday and I'm not even prepared for Monday yet. How the heck did that happen? I blink an eye and it's already tomorrow. Yet, as a conundrum that I have yet to unravel in my meager little mind, I barely accomplish much of anything during the course of an entire day. Is this what happens when you hit 40+ years old? Is this normal for somebody who still FEELS 25?!! Cuz if it is, I ain't likin' it. Nope, not one bit. I want a do-over. Rewind. Go back and figure out when the heck somebody tripped over the fast forward button, cuz it wasn't ME.

Sure, you might say, "but you've got 8 months until the wedding, relax, don't freak out, you'll accomplish all that you set out to do for it." But I don't BELIEVE YOU!! You can say that until you're blue in the face, and I say it's all LIES!! You're a FIBBY FIBBERSTEIN!! There's no way I can get everything accomplished in that short amount of time!! It's impossible I say!! You're just fulla crap my friend!!

How the heck am I supposed to....(here's the short list)....

1. Cut and shape all the table coverings from the bolts of vinyl for 25 tables
2. Finish making 10-12 more centerpieces for each table
3. Create a tiki bar with a "roof" of raffia and figure out how to attach it to a table
4. Finish making 50 more programs
5. Start working on invitations, gathering info to go with them in the same envelope, etc.
6. Figure out a menu for the cocktail hour and reception, not to mention the rehearsal dinner
7. Get caterers booked
8. Figure out what I want the cake to look like and what filling, etc., to go in it.
9. Am I having a bridal shower? A bachelorette party? Who the heck is going to plan all THAT?! Everybody I know is in friggin' MICHIGAN!! ARGHHH!!
10. How big of a truck do I have to rent from U-Haul to get all this @#$% crap TO the place?!
11. Will they let me in early to decorate, or am I going to have a nervous breakdown an hour before the ceremony starts, getting all wrapped up in tulle and garlands and flowers and tape? Tune in next week to witness the continuing saga of our bridezilla who may lose her mind.
12. Finish making coasters for the guest tables
13. Figure out what to put inside the gift bags for people at the hotel.
14. Can I REALLY count on people to help out, or are they going to sleep until noon the whole time they are here that weekend?
15. What about MUSIC during the cocktail hour and dinner?! We have a free DJ for the reception, but we don't have a THING planned yet for the rest of it...egad...I wish Steve Perry would come sing at my wedding, I'd give him a big wet sloppy kiss anywhere he wanted me to.
16. How the heck are we supposed to get Dawn Wells to show up, when she's impossible to contact via the internet?! DAMMIT, we need Mary Ann!!
17. I gotta make decorations for the pillars leading down the aisle too, with dowels, fabric, and tulle bows wrapped around the middle. How the hell do I do THAT?! GGAAAA!!
18. I have two HUGE (very tall and large) vases to fill, and I don't know what the HELL to fill 'em with, for the ceremony altar area. I had gone out and bought some white lillies, and thought that might look nice, but Pete said, "Those are primarily used for FUNERALS." GGGAAAA!! So I had to take them back to the Michael's craft store, that's just a bit too odd, even for ME. But now I got NUTHIN!! AARGGHHH!
19. I still have bouteniere's to make for the Groom Buddies, and I have no idea what they are going to wear, except that they were told to find a black and white dress, and black shoes.
20. I haven't even BEGUN to think about a rehearsal dinner, where the heck are we gonna do THAT?! And what are we going to do afterwards for fun? GGAAAA!!

Well, and so on, but you get the idea. My brain hurts.

I need to breathe into a brown paper bag. I think maybe we should just elope.

Bye for now. Love, Becky

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