Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Engagement Photos

Well Pete and I had our first round of engagement photos taken yesterday morning. It was a perfect day, the sun was shining, it was rather warm (70's) and all the fall colors in the trees made for an excellent background. The photographer took us to a local park and we walked back to a creek area. He had us do several very romantic poses and we had a good time. I had to bring a red long stemmed rose with me, so I had gone out the day before to a florist and purchased a silk one, thinking it might look nicer and won't droop or fade, and I paid $4 bucks for it--which is highway robbery, I can get one at the Michael's craft store for 99 cents! But okay, whatever, I bought it anyway. Halfway to the photographer's place, I realized I had forgotten the damned thing at home. So we drove to the nearest grocery store and I bought a real red rose! Oh well.

Anyway, he's got photos of us hugging, kissing, holding hands, sitting together, throwing leaves at each other, etc., so hopefully they will all turn out great. He said we should get them in about a month. Pete is planning to get all the images so that he can work with them to create our guest book!! We're going to have more photos taken again in January, (winter scene) and in spring too, so that will be a very cool combination to use for the guest book. I'm looking forward to seeing them when they come back. I might be able to post a couple here too.

So I'm still plugging along on making stuff. I just put a photo on Facebook of the wedding cake table that I want, I actually set up our dining room table to look exactly like how I want the wedding cake table to look, and I think it turned out very nice. I'm going to do that for all the tables, so that whomever is the lucky slob to decorate them will have a photo to duplicate when I'm busy doing other stuff. I'm creating binders for each person in our bridal party to have specific instructions and assignments too! I will include photos in it as well, so there is no question as to how I want everything to be set up. I've been gathering empty paper boxes from the local Kinko's, so that I can fill each one and label it with what each person is assigned to work with, the area they are going to decorate, and hopefully that will keep everyone organized. Of course, I know how Murphy's Law operates, so who knows what'll happen.

Pete is still ordering fun Gilligan themed items from Ebay, I swear the man is addicted to that web site! He's been working a lot of overtime lately, for special deadlines that Steve Jobs himself is in charge of, so it's been a very busy time for him at work. Soon he'll also be rehearsing for a play that starts December 10th. He likes to perform on stage in plays, and he's very good at it. I help him memorize his lines, and it's a lot of fun for him, so I'm all for it.

Well, that's the news from here for now. Pete's kids are coming to visit us this weekend so I have a house to clean. Soon I will be doing some Christmas shopping too! Bye for now!!

Love, Becky

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