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Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

And the beat goes on...

Hello Everyone,

I know lately I haven't been able to sit down for a lengthy amount of time to write a longer message, but today I'm going to put everything else aside to do so. Now, I type over 100 words per minute, so it shouldn't take me too long, and then I can get back to the daily drudgery.

Recently we have been dealing with Florence's chaotic financial situation. This is NOT pleasant. I don't know how rich people can stand it, I really don't. What a royal pain in the patoot. We just got a statement from yet ANOTHER bank that says she has $46K as a balance, that she doesn't even remember having!! (Hell, I'm lucky if I find a dollar bill in my pants pocket out of the dryer). Sounds like a good problem to have, doesn't it?

But, then we find out the freeloading hag that is currently living in Florence's house (who changed all the deadbolt locks without telling Florence, and never gave her a key), has also been paying all the utility bills with Florence's money this whole time she's been gone. Unbelievable. Then she has the audacity to call us up and claim that the last $9,000 in the bank that we took out recently is HERS, to pay the bills with, and she wants it back. HA!! Come over here and TRY TO GET IT, be-otch. That's all I'm saying. This chick has pushed her luck too far, and Florence is all upset about it.

The former power of attorney, Florence's neice, claims that she and a lawyer sat down to figure out how much of the household expenses should be planned for, and so they opened the account with $27K, with this chick's name also on the account, but Florence said that money was ONLY to be used for EMERGENCY REPAIRS for the house, not everyday utilities. She says that this freeloading hag was supposed to put all the utilities in her own name LAST FALL, but she's had over a YEAR to do it, and never bothered. Plus, all of that $27K is gone, in less than one year, and I don't know about YOU, but unless you have a 50 room mansion and leave every light on 24/7, there's no way in HELL you can burn through $27K for gas and electric that quickly. So where the hell is the rest of the money that SHOULD still be in that account? Probably in this hag's pocket. That's my guess.

But to call Florence and demand that she pay her that $9,000 BACK, is ludicrous, and will never happen, so she can just suck it up and hit the road. The most ironic thing about this chick is that she claims to be a "Christian," and is a member of a religious group called "The Way." Well, one of Florence's friends, Joyce, has brain cancer and needs a place to stay for a couple months until she can find an assisted living place, so Florence of course offered that she could live in the back part of this house, rent free, as long as she pays the utilities, and that the freeloading hag in the FRONT of the house would give her a key to get in. However, Ms. Hag has not given Joyce a key, and so Florence is now upset about THAT too. She has NO RIGHT to to turn away a fellow Christian who is ALSO in the same religious group, who has brain cancer and nobody else to turn to for help, when it's NOT EVEN HER DAMNED HOUSE in the first place!!! I'm so fuming mad about this, I can't even tell you. It makes me loathe every religion in the universe except of course Judaism. That's the only real religion anyway, if you ask me. These so-called "Christians," are acting like elitist money-grubbing greedy-ass manipulators, spending an old woman's money without her knowing it, living rent free for FIVE YEARS----we figured out that if this chick paid $1000 in rent to live in this huge house every month for the past 5 years, she would owe Florence $60,000 bucks. Now, I don't know about YOU, but if somebody GAVE ME five years of FREE RENT that equals $60,000 bucks, I sure as FUCK would not continue to bleed her bank account dry in paying utilities. If I were a GOOD CHRISTIAN as I CLAIM TO BE, I would offer to PAY RENT AND UTILITIES. Buncha goddamned HYPOCRITES, I could just spit NAILS I'm so pissed off.

Upsetting an 88 year old woman with this kind of petty bullshit is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. I have half a mind to tell Florence's lawyer to slap these people with lawsuits for emotional damages, for all the grief it's causing her.

So now we've got to call the damned utility companies to issue shut off notices, unless this chick puts them in her own name, and contact that idiot lawyer who wrote up this agreement to get a copy of it, and I'm tellin' ya, this is a big fat clusterfuck of mammoth proportions dealing with this stuff every damned day. It makes me truly glad, for the first time in my whole stupid life, that I am poor.

Other than that, life is just peachy.

I rarely get to see Pete during the week anymore, he's working so much overtime. This is the busy time of year for Apple computers, and he's got major deadlines and projects looming, so everybody is working 12-15 hour days or more. So I spend the day, and most of the evening, by myself or with Florence when she's not napping, and frankly I'm feeling rather bored & restless.

The wedding stuff is still plugging along. Pete is addicted to Ebay now, finding all sorts of Gilligan related stuff...we bought an exact replica of the SS Minnow a couple weeks ago, made out of balsa wood....that will be a very cool centerpiece on the food table, I think. But the first kid who tries to put it in the pool will be pummeled profusely. (I love alliteration).

I've got a couple of those oversized wine glasses that you can buy at Michael's craft store, because I saw a cool idea at one of the bridal shows we attended. I'm going to hot glue a mini "veil" onto the edge of one glass, and fill it with white candy, and on the other one, I'm going to hot glue a black bow tie, and fill it with some kind of dark colored candy...and sit them both on the guestbook table. I just thought that was a cute idea, what the heck. I've been told by several people that I'm too creative for my own good, and I should be a wedding planner or party planner...but I don't know if I'd like to do this all day, every day, for a living. It becomes a chore after awhile, some days I don't even WANT to get married, for all the work it's causing me....eloping looks more and more like the way to go sometimes. Or, staying single.

Pete is talking about honeymoon ideas...at first I joked and said, "HEDONISM ISLAND BABYYYYY!!" (yes, there really is such a place)...but from the looks of their web site, it's mostly vanilla and what a bore THAT would be. So, he says, "If you want to go to some really nice adult clubs, SAN FRANCISCO is the place to go..." so now he's looking into that idea. I say, as long as I can go to Alcatraz, that's cool with me. I like going to places like that, the real thing, instead of just a museum about it. I mean, working at the Holocaust Museum was awesome, don't get me wrong, it was the most bittersweet and difficult emotional time of my life to say the least, dealing with man's inhumanity towards man every day for six long years, BUT, if I had my "druthers," I'd go to Auschwitz, and other real camps that still exist, to experience it up close and personal.....of course, I would be an absolute WRECK afterwards, but it would be worth the travel expense and the emotional distress, just to be in the real place, feeling the real thing, smelling it, immersing myself in it....that's the best way to make it all truly real to me.

So, Alcatraz it is....and all the tourist stuff of course....whatever else they've got, I don't even know really, but I've never been to San Francisco, and since it's only an INCH AWAY ON THE MAP from Hawaii, what the heck, I'm all for it. I guess I'd probably want to ride a trolley, though in all honesty that doesn't really thrill me much. We've got trolleys here in PA. We had 'em in DC too. No big whoop. But, the HILLS might be fun to ride up and down, unless I get motion sick...that would be a bummer. Pete has been there many times and knows good restaurants for sushi and other good food, he says, so he would know his way around most of it. I don't really care WHERE we go, really, as long as I don't have to plan anything or do anything more than be a lazy slob, sleeping in late, being a beach bum, having drinks, spending money on souvenirs, and not having to THINK about anything, just have FUN. And, of course, attending some of those fun adult clubs too....ohhhh yesssssss....that's the plan man.

I was stuck on that dang YouTube yesterday, watching Steve Perry strut his sexy stuff all over the stage, singing and dancing, and goofing around with a tuxedo jacket....God that was fun...I loved watching that, remembering how I saw it live, right there in person, while it happened. I miss that big lug, wherever he is. Silly 61 year old man wasting his God-given vocal talent, sitting around being a bum somewhere, picking his nose...WHY?!! WHEREFORE ART THOU?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING, WASTING AWAY LIKE THAT?!! GET BACK ON THE STAGE WHERE YOU BELONG AND MELT ME TO THE BONE WITH THAT VOICE!! Dammit.

Anyway, ahem, it's raining outside again, I'm not ready for this cold weather. I want some SUNSHINE and some warm-ness, and if I can't have THAT, then I'm just gonna go wrap myself in a cocoon of happy warm fuzzies with some Kaluha and cream, snuggled in my single recliner chair "bed" (cause I can't sleep on that damned Tempur-pedic mattress with Pete, it kills my back) underneath my comfy warm blankets, with my fuzzy slippers on, dozing the day away....

So, that sounds like a good idea, and I'm off to la-la-land. Anymore financial BS with Florence and these freeloading hag's, and I'm gonna have to open me a can of whoop ass.

Love, Becky

I say, evict the hag, get her out of that house once and for all, and sell the damned thing. It's just a dead weight around her neck that she does not need to worry about.

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