Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ahhhhh turkey day....

Well, the piano didn't happen, unfortunately. We were dismayed to learn that, since we have steam heaters all around the living room on every wall, and since a piano is very sensitive to temperature changes and probably would not fare well near them, we probably should not get one. SIGHHHHH. I am bummed, to say the least, but I can't very well rip out steam heaters in this house, because we're just renting. What a pooper though. I was so geeked...sighhhh.

Anyway, have you ever wanted to actually MEET one or all of the Beatles?? Well, John Lennon was my all-time favorite Beatle, then Ringo, then George, and then Paul. (IMHO, (in my humble opinion), Paul is too much of an egomaniac for my taste, so I rank him last on my list). Though I do admit, I feel sorry for his latest dalliance in matrimony. Poor schnook got taken to the cleaners. Linda is probably scolding him daily.

Well, last weekend, Pete took me to see the "Classical Mystery Tour," which consisted of four guys who have been impersonating the Beatles for almost 20 years so far, and they performed AS the Beatles, along with the Pittsburgh Pops Orchestra. It was VERY cool, and psychedelic!! One of them, I forget which one, said, "Does anyone here remember the 60's?" To which, the audience, of course, applauded. Then he said, "HA! If anyone actually REMEMBERS the 60's, then you obviously weren't really THERE." Then another guy retorted, "Or, you are actually IN your 60's!!" and everyone laughed. (Side note: I was born in 1968, 5 days after Martin Luther King Jr. was buried...so if you ask me, I was born in the WRONG DAMNED DECADE!! I MISSED EVERY COOL AND RETRO THING IN THE WORLD DAMMIT TO HELL & BACK!)

Ahem. But I digress.

So, after the show, where they first came out dressed in all black with their "mop top" hair cuts, and then changed into Sergeant Pepper's costumes, and then later into an all white suit for John with round glasses and long hair and mustache, etc., they all bowed after two encores, and then we got to MEET them after the show ended!! I got a few photos of Pete talking to them.




So, while it may not be the REAL Beatles, it's the closest thing we'll ever get to meeting the real guys, and it was a lot of fun!!

Tomorrow, we are going to be lazy slobs sitting around the house, putting the turkey on the smoker grill tonight, letting it cook until the meat falls off the bone, then making the side dishes in the morning, and munching the rest of the day while we watch parades and football games. It's just the four of us, Pete and I, Florence and Pete's son Nathan, (oh, and Sassy and the two cats also).

Next week, Florence and I are taking a trip to Rochester NY to get a facial done by her neice at her salon, (I gotta admit, I really enjoy being pampered like that), and my mom is actually going to come visit me for Christmas, from the 18th to the 26th. So it will be a busy month, but I'm happy to report that I am DONE with all my Christmas shopping already!! (I absolutely LOATHE going shopping anywhere after Thanksgiving, and I avoid every mall and department store like the PLAGUE). So, alas, after working 6 years in a Museum with over 5,000 people in my face all day every day, my anti-social, germophobic ways are never going to go away I'm afraid. I mean, ya gotta understand, I just don't want the GERMS that people breathe in my face, while fighting over parking spots and ridiculous maniacal merchandise bargains. It just grosses me the hell out, ya know? GET AWAY FROM ME WITH THOSE COOTIES!! AAUUGGHHH!!! hehehe

Ah well, I'm sooooo in the "holiday spirit," ain't I?! hehehe I hope I don't eat too much tomorrow, but I already fear that I will. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend. On Friday, I will NOT (I repeat, NOT), be going shopping at 4 a.m. like a bunch of retarded people in the universe who will not only be over-medicated as usual, but also hyped on caffeine to stay awake, nooooo way in hell my friend, but instead Pete is driving me to Rogers Ohio to attend some kind of flea market fiasco that will PROBABLY ensue with cooties being breathed in my face by 5,000 people anyway.

SIGHHHHH. Ya just gotta love the holidays. (I'd love 'em more if I were on an island somewhere alone, enjoying some peace and quiet).

Bye for now!!

Love, Becky and Pete

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