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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Freecycle ROCKS!!

Well, those of you who know me well, already know that I am the Queen of all bargain hunting women on the planet, so of COURSE I am a huge fan of the web site "www.freecycle.org." In fact, I get several email updates on free stuff that people want to get rid of, all day, every day.

So, of course, in the past few months I have been getting all kinds of cool stuff for FREE....Pete just got a DVD of Spinal Tap for his computer, I got some shipping boxes for sending Xmas gifts, we also got a very cool, almost new wooden cabinet for our dining room....and now, the COOLEST item yet....which I just acquired TODAY-----TAHHH DAHHHH!!!!

Yes folks, it's a STARCK upright PIANO!! Free for the taking!! Just needs a little tuning up, and it'll be good as new!! Can you believe it?! A FREE FRIGGIN' PIANO!! How awesome is THAT?!

Now I have to figure out where the heck to PUT it, and how the heck to PLAY it!! I took piano lessons in college, actually--a whole semester class--but alas, it didn't work out very well.

It seems that, from reading only one line of music (G clef) all my life since the age of 10 while playing the flute, it was difficult for my feeble brain to suddenly start reading TWO lines of music, much less TRANSPOSE the other line as I read it.

When I started playing a song for the teacher as a test, he was flabbergasted. He stopped me, and said, "Oh my GAWD, what did you just do?! Play that again for me, will you?" I stammered, "Uhh, what's wrong? Ok, didn't I play it right? I thought it was fine..." He said, "Try it one more time."

So I played the song again, and he slapped his forehead and said, "In my 30 plus years of teaching piano, I have NEVER seen such a thing...I can't believe it...you're actually playing the MELODY with your LEFT HAND and the ACCOMPANIMENT with your RIGHT hand!!" I said, with a straight face, "Yeah? So? That's right isn't it?" He just laughed and said, "Noooo, that's BACKWARDS!! You're supposed to play the MELODY with your RIGHT hand and the accompaniment with your LEFT!"

So apparently I got a C- in the class because I am dyslexic when I play the piano with both hands. I can play one hand, or the other, without any problems. But put them both together, and it's all bass-ackwards!! Silly me. Gonna need some practice!! But hey, it's FREE!! So what the heck!! I'm game! I told that teacher I should probably just stick to playing the flute--and he agreed--but oh well, maybe now I can re-teach myself!!

Love, Becky

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