Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Friday, November 27, 2009

SIGH. I am better now.

Ok, yesterday was a rather odd day, not to mention fighting the losing battle with our dishwasher (it still doesn't work), so I'm doing better today and I explained everything to Pete and he said, "Why didn't you just come and talk to me?" And I said, "I thought you were busy working." He said, "I am interruptible you know." So, silly me, I should have said something.

I discovered this morning that my period has arrived, fun fun, and heyyyy maybe THAT'S why I was overly emotional like an idiot last night. Sorry folks, I just had a slight brain fart there. Don't worry about me though, I am fine. I think it's normal to get some wedding jitters sometimes, isn't it? Pete says he would never leave me jilted at the altar, and then he explained the ending of the "Sex in the City" movie we were watching, and how Carried DID marry Mr. Big in a courthouse instead of a huge wedding, and they lived happily ever after in the end. (I had left before the show ended, disgusted and distraught).

One year, in my 20's, I dressed up for Halloween as a jilted bride, complete with dress, veil, and mascara streaks down my face...at the time, I thought it was pretty funny. But now...well...not so much.

So please pardon my emotional female-monthly-mess, I just had a slight case of freaking out. It's all okay now folks, nothing more to see here, move on.

Okay....we now resume with our regularly scheduled blog entry.

My mom is coming to visit for two weeks, so we're planning to take her to a Christmas concert with Marvin Hamlisch conducting the Pittsburgh Pops Orchestra, and then we're taking her to DC to see the National Tree (along with Florence). Should be an interesting visit. I also plan to take my mom shopping at thrift stores (we share in this hobby and enjoy it very much), and possibly to the new casino downtown. I may also take her for a ride up the Duquesne Incline trolley car that goes up a huge hill and is a historical landmark. We'll keep her busy.

Well, today Pete and I got up at 6:00 a.m., drove to Rogers Ohio where they have a huge flea market spanning several acres, in different buildings, side by side. It took us nearly four hours to see everything, and we bought some cool stuff. We had a pretty fun time, and enjoyed each other's company. Christmas shopping is DONE!! YAY!! Now I just have to wrap everything!!

I'm tired out now though, so I'm going to bid you all a fond adieu and hit the hay.

Love, Becky

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