Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


WOO HOO! I got an unexpected call last night from the lady who had the freecycle piano, and she apparently still has it! So she asked if I would like to come and get it, and I said YES!! We had previously told her no, because we have steam heat vents all around the living room and it might affect the temperature too much to have a piano, but then we decided to put it in the dining room on a wall that has no heater. So, we have to go pick it up on Sunday! I hope we can get the darn thing into the house and up the stairs...bleah...gonna hire a mover I think.

Well, I'm off to Baltimore on Friday to help my friend Barbara paint her new house. She just closed on the house Monday and is now ready to move in before the snow flies. I love painting and doing all that decorating stuff, so I'm ready to get busy!! Should be fun.

Gotta go, setting up decorations for Xmas and all that jazz. Mom will be here in two weeks!!

Love, Becky

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