Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all that jazz!!

This is our fireplace mantel...I love snowmen, can you tell?! hehehe

Hello Everybody,

Well, my mom is settling in and enjoying her time here with us so far. We have scoured several thrift stores, bought yarn at Michael's craft store, and had a nice lunch out yesterday after visiting the Five Below store (which she has never been to before). Today I'm cooking a nice dinner, washing laundry, and getting ready for the festivities of the coming weekend.

Tonight we may be going to the Hartwood Acres light show, it's 3.2 acres of Xmas lights that you drive through and listen to Xmas music while you watch the light show. We are going to take both mom's with us, and I think they will really like it a lot.

Last weekend we took them to the Holiday Pops Christmas concert with Marvin Hamlisch, and they had a BLAST. It was a nice symphony concert with the Mendelsohn Choir, and other singers that are pretty well known, but I can't think of their names right now. My mom went out during intermission to have a smoke, and she saw a real live reindeer! Its name was "Olive." She didn't have her camera with her though, but she said that was the most awesome thing she'd ever seen!

This coming weekend we are traveling to DC to go visit the National Tree with both mom's. That should be fun, I think they will really like it. And though there is a lot of walking, I think they will still enjoy it. Hopefully most of this snow that we got last week will be melted by then!

Anyway, here are a few photos that we took last week....

This is me, my momma, and Pete's mom, all sitting together at the theater waiting for the show to begin!
This is my momma, my sister Tammy and her husband Steve, meeting in Toledo to exchange gifts and have me take my mom back with me to Pittsburgh. We had lunch at Wendy's.
And here is Sassy, my dog, enjoying the huge blizzard of snow that we got last week! She loves to jump high and catch snowballs, then she eats them and gags and runs around getting all covered in it, she just has a fun time playing in that stuff!
Well, we are getting ready to take off and do a little shopping for awhile, but the sun is shining, and it's a lovely day! We're going to get busy and have some fun. Bye for now!

Love, Becky and Pete

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