Welcome to our world...

Stay tuned for updates of the new life together that Pete and Rebecca have begun sharing in Pittsburgh!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


OH MY GAWD!! You HAVE TO go to that link above and see this house! It is AMAZING! In fact, we took a tour of it today, and we are now discussing how to make it ours!! The price has Pete skeptical, but I am POSITIVE that "where there is a will, there is a way," so I am now kicking into high gear to find out if we can do it. I'm going to bust my BUTT to get this place!! I mean, LOOK AT IT!! AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! It's GORGEOUS!!

Well, actually, Pete didn't have a clue about this house until I kinda found this place, quite by accident, the other day as I drove to someone's house to pick up some free magazines on the Freecycle web site. I wasn't even LOOKING for a dream house or anything, it just kinda fell in our laps, and now I find myself OBSESSING OVER IT like a crazed woman!! I LOVE THIS HOUSE!! I WANT THIS HOUSE!! AAUUGGHHH!!!

I just typed up a 6 page proposal to Pete, (it's 11:30 p.m. and he's sound asleep), just to convince him that this is the house of our dreams, and we should go for it, and it's a win-win situation for both the two of us AND our families!! I might even do a friggin' PIE CHART!! AAAUUGGHH!

Not to mention, I just retyped up our wedding invitation to put in the new location, since I figure I can live without the expensive location we have currently reserved---and save lots of money by having it at North Park, which is right around the corner from the new house! I can also forego having a honeymoon----San Francisco can wait, or sink into the ocean during the next earthquake for all I care---this HOUSE means more to me than a trip across the country!! Living in this house would BE a honeymoon for me, for YEARS!! Not just a WEEK!!

In fact, I am SO horribly in LOVE with this house, I am absolutely 100% willing to forego the whole wedding expense AND honeymoon, AND I would get a full time job just to make this house happen for us. I will do whatever it TAKES to make this happen!! I am already contacting someone for financing options. I just sent a thank-you email to the realtor who showed us the place!! I am putting a "plan of action" into place!! I am GONNA MANIFEST OUR DESTINY!!

AAAUUUGGHHHH!!! (Did I mention I'm a crazed woman obsessed with this house?!)

So, now I am geared up to work hard and do everything in my power to get into this place, and Pete hasn't quite given his consent!! Oh sure, he absolutely LOVES this house, but he also thinks it's WAY too expensive, and okay, so maybe it is, BUT, even his own MOTHER is convinced that it's a great place and would help us to buy it!! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!!! AAUUGGHHH!! She is so awesome, I really love that woman!! Between the 3 of us, I'm sure we can figure out SOME way to make it a reality!! The current home owner just finished fixing up the place, with all new stuff, BUT THEN his company transferred him out of state, so now he's stuck and wants to sell ASAP. It's been on the market for 7 months, but WE WERE THE LAST PEOPLE TO SEE IT, because they are going to take it OFF the market to fix up the mirror and lighting in the master bathroom, and then put it back ON the market again, possibly at a reduced price!!

I REALLY think we could get it for a lower amount, so I'm gonna GO FOR IT any way possible, because Pete has had a very tough time of it with his two previous marriages and subsequent financial hardships that came out of them, and his MOTHER has had a very difficult time of it these past 12-14 years since Pete's father died, and MY mother has had a very rough time of it also this past decade, so I want them all to be HAPPY!! THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY IN A DREAM HOUSE, and now that I've found it for us all, I WANT IT!!! I WANT IT FOR US ALL!!

So now I am truly freaking out over this damned house, and putting everything else on hold. I promised Pete I won't go to anymore thrift stores, I won't spend anymore money on wedding decorations or anything, I will just be very frugal. I won't even go out to lunch or dinner anymore with him or with his mom, and I will also help the owners of the house we currently live in to find someone to either rent or own this house before we go. I am GEEKED, and it's crazy I know, but I can't help it. I am DETERMINED TO LIVE IN THIS HOUSE!!

It's the most incredible place I have ever seen in my entire life. The laundry room (an ENTIRE ROOM mind you), is on the 2nd floor, the appliances are all stainless steel, brand new, the kitchen and bathrooms have been remodeled, there is a POND in the backyard, it's FLAT in the backyard AND the front yard, (which is RARE in Pittsburgh), and it's GORGEOUS...the whole house is friggin' GORGEOUS....the basement is HUGE, there is plenty of room for everybody, a 3 car garage, an enclosed porch, a breakfast room, dining room, family room, living room, den, guest bedroom, office room for Pete, HUGE master bedroom, MASSIVE master bathroom with a SOAKING TUB!!! AAUUGGHH!!! etc. etc. etc.......I mean the list goes on and on......it is the home of my DREAMS!!!

GGGAAAAAAA!!! First, Pete starts talking about how cramped and small this house has become with all of us and our stuff crammed in...so I figured, okay, I will put stuff in the attic and get rid of things and make it SEEM like it fits us better, because I really do like this house a lot and would prefer to just stay PUT for awhile, and just focus on one thing at a time, ya know?
BUT....now that we took a tour of THIS place, I warned him ahead of time, I would fall in love with it, and I have this ELECTRIC endorphin rush of excitement in the pit of my gut---the exact SAME feeling I had when I walked into the Holocaust Museum for the first time and KNEW that I belonged there, and would do whatever it took to get that job----the same EXACT feeling I had when I walked into THIS house we currently live in, knowing it was the best place for us to be----and the EXACT SAME feeling I had when Pete seriously asked me to marry him!!! I just KNEW those things were RIGHT, and this time, I have this same feeling INTENSIFIED!!!

So anyway, I can't stop hyperventilating about this house. It would enrich our lives, and our souls so much---and those of both our mothers' too, because THEN we could have MY MOM come live with us and help care for Florence too, getting paid every month to supplement HER income, AND save Florence from the skyrocketing cost of home care professionals or agencies. My mom would feel useful and helpful and happy having her own space and a pond in the backyard, and Florence would feel like she's back at the New Jersey shore house again too!! Pete and I would work full time, the mortgage would be paid, and everybody would be happy!!

I am SERIOUSLY going to start packing. This is the house we deserve, we love, and we want.

(Yeah, I know, Pete should really smack me and wake me up from this dream, but I'm lovin' it while it lasts)!! Ya can't blame a girl for dreaming!!


Love, Becky

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